There are less than 10M DRK. How much should the price go up in order to satisfy this requirement (hint x * 10 000 000 = 1 000 000 000)?
The thing is, there are other coins that are completely anonymous and offer Much Much more than Darkcoin.
eMunie is completely anonymous similar to darkcoin, in its beta stage atm, and features a inwallet chatroom, chat messaging system, interest system similar to banks, you get to choose your own address name(like Darkota), the list goes on and on
There are also some individuals with 100s of thousands of darkcoin, that will Dump it once the pump reaches its breaking point, since 10s of thousands of darkcoin was being sold by devs for less than 1 cent each when it was first released, a lot of people got A Lot of darkcoin early on.
Didn't you say it wasn't about promoting eMunie?
Please, I like eMunie, so stop spamming about it here, don't want people to receive a bad imagine of the coin because people like you support it.
Next reply in this direction and you will join the ignore troll list.