you bought some blackcoin right before it exploded in value
uhm no. and what does it have to do with darkcoin??? how would that subject be related to darkcoins unfair distribution and insta-mine issue???
I believe this coin has one of the fairest distributions ever, but even if it is not, who cares?
uhm no. it doesnt. 50% of the coins in circulation are insta-mined.
oh and ALOT of people care about unfair distribution.
100% of blackcoin was instamined in the first six days (only 1% more coins per year after the first six days). I always wondered by people care with Darkcoin and not Blackcoin.
They are trolls, it's that simple. They are mad that they didn't see the opportunity early on and come here to whine about it. If you start to succeed, envious people will come out of every imaginable crevice to detract from that success.
I don't think the concern is about who did or didn't make early gains - the concern is, why has the price been stuck in a trading range of 15-20 for weeks, despite clear, public progress toward full release of Darksend and other features.
To dismiss that concern as "FUD", "trolls" and impatience is really not the best way to address legitimate concerns.
People are looking for answers and clarity on the market trajectory of this coin. It's only in that context that instamining has come up as a possible explanation.
I think AlexGR and others have provided reasonable theories - that's the way to go, not dismissing those concerns. One theory is that it's possible that future success has already been fully priced in - but that's hard to believe.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about this. The markets are obsessed with riding the next PnD. Even as I type, DOPE tops out at +333% increase, for example. Virtually everyone on twitter or in the IRC chat that I've seen mention "long-term" holds (I get the sense that this means more than a few weeks), considers DRK a worthwhile investment. But if you're good at this game, DRK makes you no short-term money, and if youre not, you probably aren't aware of it (or at least its massive potential).
The only reason it rose the other day was not because of R1, but because it was mentioned by a relatively popular twitter trader (admittedly, I'm sure the mention was based on R1, I'm sure) and was PnD'd like anything else. Once DRK gets a bit further along in the process, and starts getting mentioned by key twitter users, its value will go way up, I think.
Also, ZET is just too compelling right now. Speaking of which, they have one wallet which at one point had something like 1/3 of all coins, and if this Kenyan rumor turns out to be true, it'll probably moonshot anyway.