If I throw in 30 drk too, could we please get a legitimate bounty for this as well (LimLims) . . so we both don't have to keep asking the question?
Also, I keep seeing talk about crowd sourcing the logo design. Awesome idea.
Are there any chances we could get a crowdfunding website up too? I'm sure it's becoming complicated to manage all the funds, and this would really help with visibility too.
If you're looking for something that really works . . use indiegogo. Perfect example for everyone: http://vertcoinmarket.com/
I did not see boubou posting if he tried this bios or not, can you please give it a shot? https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.5857809
As always back up your current bios (and post here if you can) and if it is a dual bios card, obviously try with the switch flipped to the 2nd Bios.
I will give this a shot and pm/write here to let you know. Thanks!