You know, I see this market adoption sentiment everyday and I have to ask, if people don't know about the product, how can they adopt it? Believe it or not, marketing can make or break a coin. A quick stroll down the alt coin list shows as much. I'm not even talking about the pump and dumps. See Quark, Max, vert and the like.
I won't lie, seeing those coins gain exposure while dark remains dormant is disheartening. Hell a quick google search turns up very little on dark. That list of coin exposure should tell us something. No one is going to market dark for us. If we say we are going to hold for long term, you should understand that this is a different calibre of markets. New coins saturate the markets everyday. Lets not bury our heads in the sand here. See earthcoin for a great example of a coin that depended too much on the whole "long term" plan. That coin has lost 800% value in under 2 months and is sinking lower as other alt coins rise.
Just my two cents... And to answer the unasked question, yes I try to promote dark coin on Reddit.
Yes, we will need marketing, but to push things at this point just brings in the nasty people who insinuate things and then the developer has to come in and clarify stuff taking him away from his work, etc... and it's not fully functioning yet. Then people complain it's not open source, and we have to explain yet again, not until it's finished! and it just makes life difficult. When we put the information out there, those who are looking will find us. The others can find us when it's finished.
at least that's what my opinion has become, LOL
But yes, then we'll blow the canons and let the world know we're here