When's it gonna start, iCEY?
Wait, what... it already happened?!?
You see, your protocol trolling is exactly the same as your forum trolling: A pathetic failure. Thanks for the free stress test. Well... free for us
Meanwhile Dash still holding strong above 40 USD. You mad?
Call it a stress test, then run to your firewalls and vps providers, the simple truth is nodes(centralized attack vectors) that can be directly attacked will always be a liability, every crypto monkey knew dash's masternodes where a sitting target, now we have the proof
Oh, the humanity!
I have a feeling it is only the begining, beware of where you put your money folks!
40 USD so what??? bad tech solutions with good marketing and pretty faces
but......shhhhh lets keep this to ourselves, dont talk about it, just enough not to be acused of hushing it down, the media that is all in also shhhh dont let it out too much...the bubble might BURST!!!!