At very least Decred will enter into a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with Bitcoin. That's the goal. Improvements in one will feed into the other (where possible). Development has a lot more freedom in Decred because it's new, so there's room for innovative ideas and experimentation. Hopefully a foundation can be built where it can be kept that way - that's the other goal.
There's already been some press coverage. There will be some more next week, but as you can imagine, it's an uphill battle. A lot of people in the Bitcoin camp see anything alternative as an attack or a threat. That's not what this is about at all - it's not about competing, but about growing in parallel. Maybe that's just spin on "competition", but you get what's meant by the ideal.
Make sure you guys are signed up for airdrop on the site. Going to sound like a broken record, but the project will benefit from as diverse a group of people as possible.