They pay immediatly no confirmations required? i started 45 mins ago
yes you are right. Payminet should be immedialtely. I have pointed miners on my pool by myself to see if everything works fine: In the last 45 Minutes there were 12 payouts
Is your Addres showing up in the pool stats?
I cant see my adress in either pool!
thats strange... But if it occurs on both of the pools, i think its more likely,that its a configuration problem with your Client, than with both of the pools. Stupid quation: You checked, that the Wallet Adress you unsed as Username is correct, because P2Pool does not check if the Adress exists...
I found your Adress in my statistics... But it says you were just mining for a few seconds
I'm sorry, but i think, i can't figure out, why you are having those Problems....
But i just sent you a few DGC as compensation
can you see me minning now? i am with cgminer 3.1.0 Thanks for the DGC!
No, i'm Sorry, you're not appearing as an active miner in the stats :-( I recommend you to use another pool, if mine is not working for you for some reason....
By the way... there are also miners in my stats, who aren't even logged in with an DigitalCoin Adress, but with an address from a different network