Would it be possible to give the online ann page a proofreading pass? The coin needs to be professionally presentable as soon as possible in order to begin moving upward. Great presentation is critical to the success of this coin, and the very first impressions CDC can make on someone looking to invest or join the DIEM community are going to come from the website pages. Great investors invest in people, not things, so the community has to show its very best in order to compete in this cryptoworld.
I don't know what all needs to be done, but I can offer several suggestions to clean up the site a little bit, which I think will go a very long way towards encouraging people to join in, either investing their money or their time and effort into this project.
The wording and format of the text needs to be changed to make it flow more smoothly in English (it is a bit rough around the edges). It doesn't need to come across as a sales pitch, but it also doesn't need to give a complete history and story right on the front page. There can be bio/background links that can bring interested parties to this information, but it is not the most attractive hook. I don't want to sound like a grammar Nazi by suggesting this, but it really does make a huge difference. No one with substantial resources coming from a more traditional finance or business background is going to ever seriously consider investing with a "company" (or coin community) that doesn't communicate well.
The frontpage also needs to be organized in general, or dedicated to being a landing pad for people entering into thehouseofdiem; it should be a page that has general news, announcements, important links, etc. A lot of what a great website does is it feels smooth and flows smoothly. Right now the front page is a lot more like a very long list of stuff that sort of got thrown together because it was important at one time. Almost none of the information on it can be easily accessed - you have to dig through the actual layout, the other text, the pictures, and more in order to pick out some information, and even then its all muddled together. The site needs different pages dedicated to these individual tidbits on the main page: mining ASICs, thehouseofdiem.com link, the coin specs, the exchanges, the white paper link (I was just going in order), it needs to not all be in one big long list. The organization of the information needs to really show how each piece is separate from the others, and it needs to give each enough room and information to really explain itself and claim part of the website for its own. Right now, all the different bits of info are fighting each other for space, and none of them are winning.
Have the "DIEM Forum" tab at the top link to this thread, as well as the forums it has already. Speaking of these forums, the community needs to begin using them more often. They are completely desolate right now, and this is not good for making a strong first impression. We need to have at least some activity on those forums, or it will do more harm than good having a link to them on the front page. The
The "Online ANN" tab should not link directly back to the homepage. Most major websites allow you to click the large logo at the top in order to return home; it is suggested to remove redundant links, so the "Online ANN" tab should either be removed or link somewhere else.
"Face Book Feed" needs to say "Facebook Feed" (this makes a difference). This should also not be such a large, primary link unless it is going to be a much-used means of announcing to and communicating with the community. If it will be a large part of the website, leave it up and just change the name. If it is just part of the communication and news sections of the site, then combining this link with others would be a good idea. News, Account, Background, Forum, Block Explorer, and Related Links should be the only tabs based on what is currently on the site, and the rest of the tabs and links should be combined into those major categories.
The music needs to be able to be paused and also needs a mute/volume controls. If this is going to be the "theme song" for DIEM, this needs to be available for download or the original artists need to be credited so that people that like the song can find out more about it. This is just another general marketing tip: you want to be useful to your users/customers in whatever ways you can. You want to provide them with things they didn't know they needed - right when they realize they need something, you have it already prepared for them and ready to go. The idea of the music is to get the person to enjoy it, right? So when they enjoy it, they want to download it or check out who its made by, so an easy way to obtain this information would be a nice touch. I know it seems tiny, but such a move displays integrity and a dedication to completeness and thoughtfulness.
I know a lot of this stuff is the work of webpage designers, and I am appreciative of the site we currently have, so I want to reiterate that I am only offering this as constructive criticism and in the hopes that I can contribute to and help to improve the content, community and true value of the coin. If this is received well, I can return with more information, more detail, and more suggestions (adding stuff to the to-do list, hurray!).
Remember, a lot of the problems in finding funding can be solved by not driving away investors. Once the first few start to trickle in, it will encourage others and others, and a large part of Venture Capital itself is not just "donating" money; successful venture capital picks projects up and nurses their strengths, helps eliminate obstacles, and looks to organically grow the abilities of a dedicated and skilled team that makes it all work. Great investors invest in people, not things.