Hi all!!
First post of mine here on the DOGE thread... Much excitement! Such n00b!
Why i'm here posting you ask? welp... i'm developing an IAP (In-App Payment) system for multiple cryptocurrencies (just added DOGE support, parsing the blockchain as i write) and i need help testing it. It is still in beta and could fail, so i would like someone with a lot of patience try it and report to me if they are getting results or not.
The IAP system will be a plugin that game and app developers can include into their respective apps (currently supports Unity, will include Javascript next, Libgdx and Game Maker on the near future), and lets them pay for content and functionality within the app.
In the spirit of the shibe, i'm dogefooding and my own game has it included as a testbed.
DON'T buy anything yet, because my private block explorer is parsing the blockchain and it could take some time to begin working, however, if you want to help testing, begin downloading the installer and PM me to notify when the blockchain finishes parsing.
It happens that some antivirus software complain with false positives about an adware inside the game. I used an ad monetization plugin for android and stopped using it, but forgot to remove it from the final version, so no problem there.