Hello, do you have some prototypes already?
can you direct me to links to some game apps you have in the market?
I'm like games and will like to contribute to this project.
We are working actively, but have not yet posted apps prototypes. Mr.X has some Java randomization routines that can be used in slot machines or dice games. CoinCollector has an option trading game idea he is working on in Python. Could you join our Discord?
Again lies, none of this guys are programmer. Coincollector made a post on Nov 8th about them trying to get someone on fiverr to build a game for them.What did this threat turn into? It was peaceful the last time I was here. Did anything turn out to be a scam or what is going on?
A small group of investors have organized to save Droxne and continue development. Many initiatives are underway such as
1. We received bids from developers on Fiverr to produce a roulette game
This comment falls into the category of defamation and reveals how profoundly ignorant you are Islapdonkey. For my day job I am a data scientist, currently engaged to predict models for diabetes incidence.
# libraries for visualization
import seaborn as sns
df_diabetic['A1Cresult'] = df_diabetic['A1Cresult'].map({'None':0,'Norm':1,'>7':2,'>8':3})
df_diabetic['max_glu_serum'] = df_diabetic['max_glu_serum'].map({'None':0,'Norm':1,'>200':2,'>300':3})
df_diabetic['change'] = df_diabetic['change'].map({'Ch':1, 'No':0})
#remap No, Up, Steady, Down to integers for use in logistic regression, etc
for dataset in list(df_diabetic)[24:47]:
df_diabetic[dataset] = df_diabetic[dataset].map( {'No': 0, 'Up': 1, 'Steady': 2, 'Down': 3} ).astype(int)
g = sns.FacetGrid(df_diabetic, col='readmitted')
g.map(plt.hist, 'age', bins=20)
g = sns.FacetGrid(df_diabetic, col='readmitted')
g.map(plt.hist, 'race', bins=20)
for code in list(df_diabetic)[12:17]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(df_diabetic, col='readmitted')
g.map(plt.hist, code, bins=20)
Unlike you I am actually doing some thing productive for society, whereas you spend your days spreading FUD and twisting facts to suit your blackmail and nefarious activities.
You will not get a penny from us. Your crypto piracy tactics may have been successful with Nebule, but they will not succeed with Droxne.