
Topic: [ANN][DTT]🔺ICO DataTrading - trade forecasting by artificial intelligence 🔺📈 - page 11. (Read 5993 times)

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Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. These three words are the bane of Bitcoiners’ existence. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts use the acronym FUD to describe any negativity that might be swirling around the market that causes prices to drop. And the FUD was strong this week, when the whole cryptocurrency ecosphere got fucked.

What the Heck Happened to the Cryptocurrency This Week?!

Two major corrections over the last month have caused the price of bitcoin to plummet by 45 percent, and the entire cryptocurrency market has fallen with it. So, has the bubble burst? Probably not just yet. When will it? Nobody knows.

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All that’s certain is that people who bought in at the peak of cryptocurrency fervor are currently getting their asses handed to them. Meanwhile, reports of people taking out loans and mortgages for the privilege of getting hosed are more common than ever. Financial outlets are already charting “the rise and fall of Bitcoin,” and on January 15, the normally unflappable loyalists on Reddit were straight up admitting that doomsday had come.

Why is this happening? FUD.

Over the course of 2017, the price of one bitcoin went from around $900 to just over $19,000. This led to average Joes wondering what they were missing and trying to figure out how to buy into this whole Bitcoin thing. In a month, bitcoin’s price jumped by 200 percent, hitting yet another all-time high. It seemed like it couldn’t fall—until it did. And then it did it again.

There are a lot of factors driving fear in cryptocurrency markets at the moment, but from a big picture perspective, you can really focus on three factors: governments, whales, and ICO madness.


In 2017, none of these factors seemed to be capable of taking down Bitcoin. Governments would make a comment about reviewing potential cryptocurrency regulation, the price would dip for a day and then rocket to the moon for a week. But lately, governments have been paying a little bit too much attention for anyone to feel comfortable.

China has recently been particularly concerning to the cryptocurrency market. The country previously banned initial coin offerings and exchanges—two moves that had minor impacts on prices—China’s continued regulatory scrutiny is starting to have a more lasting effect.

This week, Chinese state media reported that authorities were broadening their crackdown and scrutinizing “exchange-like services.” Simply put, China wants to eliminate all cryptocurrency trading that’s managed to continue under the current bans. This announcement came two weeks after the country imposed new rules that will adversely affect the many cryptocurrency miners in China, who are already struggling.. Until last year, China was the most active market for cryptocurrency trading, but it’s fallen to number 18 in the world according to market tracker Coinhills. Nevertheless, China is still the home of the world’s biggest mining operations.

Since China’s participation in the market has slowed, interest in South Korea has become more intense. But that interest comes with its own set of fears. The Korean Won is now the third most traded fiat currency, and that has made the South Korean government increasingly nervous about Bitcoin and its relatives. South Korean authorities have made several market-shaking moves in recent months, and more recently, conflicting statements from Seoul have suggested that an outright cryptocurrency ban might be imminent.

On the purely speculative end, Matthew Klein advanced an intriguing theory in the Financial Times. Klein thinks its possible that South Korea and China are coordinating their crackdowns on cryptocurrency in an effort to put more financial pressure on North Korea in the ongoing standoff over its nuclear program. North Korea is believed to have a large stake in cryptocurrencies and its state-sponsored hackers are often blamed for attacks on exchanges and spreading ransomware that seeks payment through digital cash. It’s an interesting scenario, but again, speculative.

While many governments are trying to figure out what kind of limits they want to put on the market, others are introducing their own digital coins. Estonia has a coin in the works that would be used to reward foreigners who set up online businesses in the country. More disconcertingly, Venezuela and Russia have announced digital versions of their currencies in an effort that’s widely seen as a way of getting around international sanctions. In the case of government issued coins, it’s unknown if they will be a harbinger of a crackdown on non-state-sponsored cryptocurrency. In short: more FUD.


And then, there’s the phenomenon of Bitcoin “whales.” Whales are people who own a lot of bitcoin. Market researchers at AQR Capital Management estimated that just 1,000 people own 40 percent of all the bitcoin in existence, giving just a few individuals have a tremendous amount of power to manipulate the market. That happened in November, when one person moved $159 million worth of bitcoin onto an online exchange and sent analysts scrambling to guess whether or not this whale was intending to sell out while the price is right.

What’s most concerning about whales recently is the fear that some of them might be playing both sides of the field. In December, Wall Street started offering futures trading on bitcoin. Anyone can essentially place a bet on what the price of bitcoin will be by a certain date. This has led to speculation that whales could be participating in futures trading while pulling out or pumping in bitcoin to manipulate the price. On Wednesday, the first futures contract closed and those who shorted bitcoin won.

And whales aren’t the only individuals who can swing the market. A recent study published in the Journal of Monetary Economics took a look at the potential for price manipulation in the bitcoin ecosystem. It concluded that when the price of bitcoin jumped from $150 to $1000 over two months in 2013, it was all thanks to two bots named Markus and Willy that were likely controlled by a single person. The bots were capable of taking advantage of a bug on the Mt. Gox exchange that made it appear as if they were performing valid trades with lots of bitcoin that didn’t really exist.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
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Activity: 448
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Do you this that people who work with cryptos have the highest salaries?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
There is not that much activity in this chat
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Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Are there any films or cryptos on documentaries that you can suggest us to watch?

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Could you please tell us the names of the exchanges that you will be listed in?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 448
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Hi people!

How have you been doing?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Heeeey people, what do you think will happen to the ICOs in the 2018?

Will it be banned?\

 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250

DataTrading — этo иннoвaциoннaя плaтфopмa, кoтopaя пoкopяeт миp aнaлитики и пpoгнoзиpoвaния биpжeвыx pынкoв.

Пpинципиaльнoe oтличиe и пpeимyщecтвo DataTrading oт вcex кoнкypeнтoв — иcпoльзoвaниe мaшиннoгo oбyчeния и нeйpoнныx ceтeй, кoтopыe бyдyт oткpытыми и дocтyпными тpeйдepaм и кoмьюнити для paзpaбoтки coбcтвeнныx мoдeлeй пpoгнoзиpoвaния pынкoв нa дaннoй тexнoлoгии.

DataTrading — этo иннoвaциoннaя плaтфopмa, кoтopaя пoкopяeт миp aнaлитики и пpoгнoзиpoвaния биpжeвыx pынкoв. Пpинципиaльнoe oтличиe и пpeимyщecтвo DataTrading oт кoнкypeнтoв — иcпoльзoвaниe мaшиннoгo oбyчeния и нeйpoнныx ceтeй, кoтopыe бyдyт oткpытыми и дocтyпными тpeйдepaм и кoмьюнити для paзpaбoтки coбcтвeнныx мoдeлeй пpoгнoзиpoвaния pынкoв нa дaннoй тexнoлoгии.

B нacтoящee вpeмя DataTrading yчacтвyeт в тoкeн-ceйлe и плaниpyeт пoлyчить финaнcиpoвaниe для дaльнeйшeгo paзвития кoмпaнии и пpивлeчeния пpoгpeccивныx тpeйдepoв, кoтopыe cтaнyт чacтью кoмaнды DataTrading. Кpayдceйл кoмпaнии cocтoит из пpe-ceйлa (20.11.2017—30.11.2017), в xoдe кoтopoгo вce yчacтники пoлyчaт бoнyc в paзмepe 30% и 2 payндoв для yчacтникoв из paзныx yгoлкoв миpa: payнд A, кoтopый пpoвoдитcя для вocтoчнoгo peгиoнa (18.12.2017—08.01.2018) и payнд B, opиeнтиpoвaнный для зaпaдныx peгиoнoв (01.02.2018—22.02.2018). Bce yчacтники тoкeн-ceйлa пoлyчaт yникaльнyю вoзмoжнocть пpиcoeдинитьcя к бeтa-тecтиpoвaнию пpoдyктa DataTrading.

«DataTrading oтличнo впиcывaeтcя в oбpaз кoмпaнии нoвoгo пoкoлeния. Ee пpoдyкты пoльзyютcя бoльшим cпpocoм и ocнoвaны нa нeйpoнныx ceтяx и мaшиннoм oбyчeнии, кoтopыe в coвpeмeннoм миpe дaют caмыe тoчныe пpoгнoзы нa финaнcoвыx pынкax», — Ли Юньцзинь, вeдyщий пapтнep, экcпepт в oблacти инвecтиций, тopгoвли, yпpaвлeния бизнecoм.

Cepвиc DataTrading cтpoит coбcтвeнный кoнcтpyктop тopгoвыx cтpaтeгий, a тaкжe бyдeт peaлизoвывaть пoлный aнaлитичecкий инcтpyмeнтapий для фoндoвoгo и кpиптopынкa нa нeйpoнныx ceтяx, a имeннo:

    cкpинep aкций/кpиптoaктивoв;
    цeнoвoй пpoгнoз aкций/кpиптoaктивoв;
    тopгoвый coвeтник;
    cкopинг ICO/IPO;
    фyндaмeнтaльный и нoвocтнoй aнaлиз фoндoвoгo и кpиптopынкa нa мoдyлe иcкyccтвeннoгo интeллeктa;
    кoнcтpyктop тopгoвыx cтpaтeгий c вoзмoжнocтью пoдключeния и oбyчeния нeйpoнныx ceтeй, дocтyпнoгo для cooбщecтвa, peaлизaция caмooбyчaющиxcя нeйpoнныx ceтeй.

Bce инcтpyмeнты, paзpaбoтaнныe и пpeдcтaвлeнныe нa плaтфopмe DataTrading, cмoгyт дaвaть выcoкoтoчныe пpoгнoзы и пoмoгyт тpeйдepaм пpинимaть вaжныe тopгoвыe peшeния.

Эpa тexничecкиx индикaтopoв, paнee пpимeняeмыx для пpoгнoзиpoвaния и aнaлитики финaнcoвыx pынкoв, пoдoшлa к кoнцy: иcкyccтвeнный интeллeкт — нoвoe cлoвo в миpe тopгoвли. DataTrading вывoдит этy cфepy нa нoвый ypoвeнь и дeлaeт тexнoлoгии ИИ дocтyпными кaждoмy тpeйдepy!

Пpиcoeдиняйтecь к тoкeн-ceйлy и cтaньтe чacтью cooбщecтвa, кoтopoe мeняeт пpeдcтaвлeниe o финaнcoвыx pынкax.

Is there any translation of the article into English?

Would be cool,....
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250

About Team   Milestones Financial Ratings White paper   
About Data Trading

DataTrading is an innovative project in the world of trading and consulting, which provides a set of analytical and forecasting tools for trading in stock and crypto exchange markets and is completely based on artificial intelligence.

Big Data Trading Limited was registered as a legal entity on January 23, 2017 with a representative office in Hong Kong. With the support of a professional team and investors, DataTrading already has a developed MVP that shows results, which exceed many trading strategies in terms of profitability.

There are many analytical and trading strategy services in the modern world. The fundamental difference between DataTrading and all other companies is that we use machine learning and neural networks to solve the tasks. These revolutionary instruments will also be available to traders and the community so that they can develop their own models for forecasting markets.

Trained models will be able to make a profit for each client of Data Trading: they can be used for trading as well as for selling to other market participants. The machine learning constructor will be easy to develop, so that every client and even those without specialist education can use it.

DataTrading service develops its own constructor of trading strategies and will also implement a full analytical tool for stock and cryptocurrency markets on neural networks, namely:

    Screener of shares / crypto assets;
    Trade advisor;
    Scoring of ICOs / IPOs;
    Constructor of trading strategies with the ability to connect and train neural networks
    available to the community; implementation of self-learning neural networks.


Vote for DataTrading here -

Go, DataTrading, GO!
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
"The practical consequence […is…] for the first time, a way for one Internet user to transfer a unique piece of digital property to another Internet user, such that the transfer is guaranteed to be safe and secure, everyone knows that the transfer has taken place, and nobody can challenge the legitimacy of the transfer. The consequences of this breakthrough are hard to overstate."

- Marc Andreessen

From a cruising altitude, a blockchain might not look that different from things you're familiar with, say Wikipedia.

With a blockchain, many people can write entries into a record of information, and a community of users can control how the record of information is amended and updated. Likewise, Wikipedia entries are not the product of a single publisher. No one person controls the information.

Descending to ground level, however, the differences that make blockchain technology unique become more clear. While both run on distributed networks (the internet), Wikipedia is built into the World Wide Web (WWW) using a client-server network model.

A user (client) with permissions associated with its account is able to change Wikipedia entries stored on a centralized server.

Whenever a user accesses the Wikipedia page, they will get the updated version of the 'master copy' of the Wikipedia entry. Control of the database remains with Wikipedia administrators allowing for access and permissions to be maintained by a central authority.

Wikipedia's digital backbone is similar to the highly protected and centralized databases that governments or banks or insurance companies keep today. Control of centralized databases rests with their owners, including the management of updates, access and protecting against cyber-threats.

The distributed database created by blockchain technology has a fundamentally different digital backbone. This is also the most distinct and important feature of blockchain technology.

Wikipedia's 'master copy' is edited on a server and all users see the new version. In the case of a blockchain, every node in the network is coming to the same conclusion, each updating the record independently, with the most popular record becoming the de-facto official record in lieu of there being a master copy.

Transactions are broadcast, and every node is creating their own updated version of events.

It is this difference that makes blockchain technology so useful – It represents an innovation in information registration and distribution that eliminates the need for a trusted party to facilitate digital relationships.

Yet, blockchain technology, for all its merits, is not a new technology.

Rather, it is a combination of proven technologies applied in a new way. It was the particular orchestration of three technologies (the Internet, private key cryptography and a protocol governing incentivization) that made bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto's idea so useful.

The result is a system for digital interactions that does not need a trusted third party. The work of securing digital relationships is implicit — supplied by the elegant, simple, yet robust network architecture of blockchain technology itself.
Defining digital trust

Trust is a risk judgement between different parties, and in the digital world, determining trust often boils down to proving identity (authentication) and proving permissions (authorization).

Put more simply, we want to know, 'Are you who you say you are?' and 'Should you be able to do what you are trying to do?'

In the case of blockchain technology, private key cryptography provides a powerful ownership tool that fulfills authentication requirements. Possession of a private key is ownership. It also spares a person from having to share more personal information than they would need to for an exchange, leaving them exposed to hackers.

Authentication is not enough. Authorization – having enough money, broadcasting the correct transaction type, etc – needs a distributed, peer-to-peer network as a starting point. A distributed network reduces the risk of centralized corruption or failure.

This distributed network must also be committed to the transaction network’s recordkeeping and security. Authorizing transactions is a result of the entire network applying the rules upon which it was designed (the blockchain’s protocol).

Authentication and authorization supplied in this way allow for interactions in the digital world without relying on (expensive) trust. Today, entrepreneurs in industries around the world have woken up to the implications of this development – unimagined, new and powerful digital relationshionships are possible. Blockchain technology is often described as the backbone for a transaction layer for the Internet, the foundation of the Internet of Value.

In fact, the idea that cryptographic keys and shared ledgers can incentivize users to secure and formalize digital relationships has imaginations running wild. Everyone from governments to IT firms to banks is seeking to build this transaction layer.

Authentication and authorization, vital to digital transactions, are established as a result of the configuration of blockchain technology.

The idea can be applied to any need for a trustworthy system of record.

Authored by Nolan Bauerle; images by Maria Kuznetsov

I looove this article about blockchain!
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250

It's a backtesting product. We used the past stock data of 2012 – 2016 just for the sake of proving the concept and giving you, as a user, an idea of what you will get in the the future product when you work with the real-time data.

When will there be a LIVE data? Are you working on it?

Thank you for the reply
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I saw this news today -

WHO are we looking for?
🔥Do you have experience with Big Data and blockchain technologies?
🔥Do you have the professional community?
🔥Are you ambitious and high-achieving personality?

If YES, this is the best time to join DataTrading team!👨‍💼
#DataTrading is searching for the most prominent and ambitious advisors, who are willing to join the company that changes the future!
Contact us for more information!

Could you specify whom should I contact?
Should I send my CV?

Did you guys find anyone?

We want to know, hehe
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Hi team! We opened the block with comments a few days ago. Several people have already left comments on your ICO page: It would be great if you will follow your page and help your potential investors.

Sure, no problems!

Great news and I will leave some comments as soon as I have some free time
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Could you pls specify when is the launch of the next Round?

I am a bit lost... Undecided
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I saw the news on DTT blog that you are looking for a new advisor.

Did you find anyone??

I know some people who might be interested, but whom should they contact and what docs do you need?


 Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Is Bounty still an option for those, who want to get DTT tokens?

I am not sure what to reply to some of my friends, who are also interested in DTT

 Roll Eyes Grin
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
"Token transfer is turn on for a small number of users and is still in testing. You will receive an email when it will be open for you"

Any explanations? When approximately will the process be available for us? And who is this small number of people?

Thank youuuu
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I was asked, when will the tokens appear on the crypto exchanges and which ones???

I read the news about Binance, but maybe any updates?
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