
Topic: [ANN]Duality Blockchain Solutions: Dynamic(DYN), Sequence(SEQ), HarmonIQ(NoID) - page 8. (Read 69608 times)

sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250

Duality пpeдcтaвляeт coбoй BaaS (Блoкчeйн кaк cepвиc) для пoмoщи пpeoбpaзoвaния cyщecтвyющиx и плaниpyющиxcя pынкoв. Дyaлити иcпoльзyeт двoйcтвeннyю apxитeктypy c двyмя блoкчeйнaми: Dynamic(DYN) и Sequence(SEQ) для вepификaции дaнныx и бeзoпacнocти ceти. Duality пoддepживaeт opгaнизaцию пoкyпaтeльcкoй cпocoбнocти Dynamic(DYN) c пoмoщью диффepeнциaции цeны и пoддepжки oбoиx блoкчeйнoв. Duality плaтфopмa являeтcя цeнтpoм кoнтpoля ликвиднocти cиcтeмы. Duality пoмoгaeт бизнecy cтaть бoлee зaщищeнным, эффeктивным и пpибыльным пpeтвopяя в жизнь кoммepчecкиe блoкчeйн peшeния.

Dynamic(DYN) этo Duality пoддepживaeмaя вaлютa кoтopaя oбecпeчивaeт cтaбильнocть цeны для eжeднeвныx тpaнзaкций мeждy пoльзoвaтeлями, иcпoльзyeтcя ycтoйчивый к ASIC ycтpoйcтвaм aлгopитм Argon2D(POW) a тaкжe мoжeт иcпoльзoвaтьcя для зaпycкa Dynnodes для фyнкции BaaS.
Dynnodes пpeдлaгaeт 14.6% дoxoдa oт инвecтиций(гoдoвыx).
Для paбoты нoды нeoбxoдимo 1000 мoнeт, кoтopыe бyдyт зaлoгoм для oбecпeчeния paбoты cepвиcoв ceти.
Пoддepживaютcя тoлькo 64x paзpядныe oпepaциoнныe cиcтeмы
DYN мoжeт мaйнитьcя пocpeдcтвoм кoшeлькa и ввeдeния oднoй кoмaнды в кoнcoли(иcпoльзyeтcя CPU)

Sequence(SEQ) этo Duality пoддepживaeмaя вaлютa, кoтopaя xeджиpyeтcя кaк зaлoг пpoтив DYN для oбecпeчeния нeзaвиcимocти pынкa чepeз кoнтpoль пocтaвки, ecли гoвopить пpoщe oбe мoнeты peгyлиpyютcя дpyг дpyгoм блaгoдapя oбpaтнoй пpoпopциoнaльнocти(пoдpoбнee в дoкyмeнтax)
B cpaвнeниe c  Dynamic(DYN), Sequence(SEQ) мoжeт кaзaтьcя бoлee pиcкoвым aктивoм, нo c бoльшeй пoтeнциaльнoй выгoдoй.
Sequence иcпoльзyeт POS aлгopитм c 2.2% нaгpaды.
Кoшeлeк SEQ пpocтo дoбывaeт мoнeты вo вpeмя тoгo кaк кoшeлeк пoдключeн к ceти и нe зaблoкиpoвaн для мaйнингa

Щeлкнитe cюдa чтoбы нaйти бoльшe инфopмaции

Пpиcoeдиняйтecь к нaшeй Discord кoнфepeнции

Translated by Danila#4342
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1003
Well, That's Crypto :-\
Do you know what? Sorry to say but I tremendously feel I miss the old fashioned camel running. It's kinda strange the whole rebrand. Can't adjust myself to it.

you will get used to it. Duality is more serious. The camel was cool like doge dog but a rebrand was necessary to be taken seriously.

The Duality team seem to understand what kind of image they want to project and it's working for them.

The tech is unrivaled and the team is driven.

@ everyone in doubt:

If you understand the relevance of marketcap on actual valuation, then you are buying.

#406 -
#552 -

@ people who understand the aforementioned:

Sorry to give away the secret sauce but it's only fair that noobs understand how all this works and besides; most aren't paying attention anyway.

blast from the past:
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1003
Well, That's Crypto :-\
Yeah, I believe in Duality Blockchain Solutions and love Dynamic

sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250





sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
Yeah It took me an year to get over but hey the world is changing, so are we
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1422
Do you know what? Sorry to say but I tremendously feel I miss the old fashioned camel running. It's kinda strange the whole rebrand. Can't adjust myself to it.
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250

Duality BaaS( ) .
Duality Dynamic(DYN) Sequence(SEQ) 2 .
Duality Dynamic(DYN) .
Duality .
Duality .

Dynamic(DYN) Duality , .
Dynamic ASIC POW Argon2D BaaS Dynode .
Dynode 14.6% .
Dynode 1000 DYN .
Dynamic(DYN) 64 OS .
(DYN) .

Sequence(SEQ) Dynamic(DYN) Duality .
Dynamic(DYN) Sequence(SEQ) .
Sequence POS 2.2% .



Translated by Foo#1975
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250

Today at 3pm EST (8pm GMT)

KYC will be fully open on the Duality platform

Please read the document for more exciting details Smiley
Activity: 735
Merit: 17
A Message From Our CEO & Other News

I want to thank you for your patience and support during this stage of development. We believe that 2018 will be the year of law and compliance for cryptocurrencies. For us to become a market leader in this space we must fully comply and operate within the law. The logistical burdens of creating a compliant company has slowed the process of development and, with the advice of our attorneys, have been the reason for many delays. To stay on top of this ever changing landscape, we’ve retained a business, securities and patent attorney to help us stay compliant and to protect key intellectual property now and in the future.

Having that said, I am happy to announce that today, January 20, 2018 at 3pm EST (8pm GMT)​, KYC will be fully functional and open to use on the Duality platform. Please log in to your account, submit the relevant information and, once verified, you will be able to remove your Dynamic (DYN) tokens. Bitcoin (BTC) and Dynamic Account Wallet (1.4) will also be available to withdrawal.

Dynamic Account Wallet (1.5) is still being audited. Thousands of invalid tokens were deposited and we must go through each transaction to make sure the reward is valid. As we verify transactions, we will send the exchanged Dynamic (1.5) in batches to the respective owner. This process may take a couple weeks as many people have deposited and continue to deposit invalid tokens.
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
please donate D6kExdNdwdgSPoEwVHkhBEyWSqWSudQZHg
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
how many time for 1 block mining ??
depends on your hash, and network weight
look here for more info

anyway your hash is too low
what is your setgenerate true x ? line
X being a number representing the amount of participating logical cores (min 1 max -1)

eg if you have 4 cores CPU try setgenerate true 4
setgenerate true 8

then check if your CPU is 100% load
Activity: 46
Merit: 0





how many time for 1 block mining ??
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
No pool mining yet
SEQ stakes in the wallet it's PoS
You can mine DYN with your CPU from the wallet
Very fast sync for the whole blockchain when you install the wallets
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
pool mining or bootstrap all chain ??
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
Isn't the ICO still on, according to the website??
There were many stages, DYN sale is over for now

We're in the middle of setting up the KYC (Know Your Customer) imposed by the legislation in Texas
we are just waiting on the 3rd parties api to have some changes
we also need to ensure everything is secure on our end

The doors to the platform haven't opened yet.
But guys are working to bring it into the public asap
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
and these coins are not even fully launched to their true potential
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
Remember the crash of the markets yesterday
guess who was on top

SEQ it's just one part of Duality Wink
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250
Who would buy the ICO when the coin is available for a fraction in the exchanges.. Can someone update me, if I am missing anything here. Thanks.
Because it's worth it
sr. member
Activity: 404
Merit: 250

Duality Blockchain Solutions offre du BaaS (Blockchain as a Service)
pour aider à transformer les marchés existants et émergents.
Duality est composé d'une architecture binaire utilisant deux blockchains,
Dynamic(DYN) et Sequence(SEQ), pour vérifier les données et sécuriser le réseau.
La gestion de l'offre Duality stabilise le pouvoir d'achat de Dynamic(DYN)
en différenciant les prix et l'offre sur deux blockchains.
La plate-forme Duality agira principalement comme un point central pour contrôler la liquidité du système.
Duality aide les entreprises à se protéger contre la volatilité des marchés,
les rend plus efficaces et rentables tout en fournissant des solutions blockchain d'entreprise.

Dynamic(DYN) est la devise de Duality
qui assure la stabilité des prix pour les transactions quotidiennes des utilisateurs.
Dynamic utilise l'algorithme POW, Argon2D, résistant à l'ASIC,  
et peut être utilisé pour exécuter des Dynodes en échange de fonctions BaaS.
Les Dynodes offrent un retour sur investissement annuel minimum de 14,6% aux investisseurs (détenteurs de Dynodes).
Les Dynodes nécessitent que 1000 DYN soient verrouillés comme garantie pour activer les services pour le réseau.
Dynamic(DYN) fonctionne uniquement sur les systèmes d'exploitation 64 bits
Dynamic(DYN) et peut être miné directement du portefeuille avec une seule commande de console
en utilisant le processeur dun ordinateur ou serveur.

Sequence(SEQ) est le capital de Duality qui est couvert en garantie contre Dynamic(DYN)
et qui assure l'indépendance du marché grâce au contrôle de l'offre.
Contrairement à Dynamic(DYN), Sequence(SEQ) peut être considéré comme plus risqué,
mais avec un potentiel de récompense plus élevé.
Sequence utilise un algorithme POS avec une récompense de  2,2% annuelle.
Le portefeuille SEQ génère les récompenses simplement en le gardant en ligne et déverrouillé.

 Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations


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Translated by Gabe Fern#2132
full member
Activity: 165
Merit: 100
The methodology to achieve this goal uses current blockchain and public ledger technology to manage participants, encryption and hashing to protect communication and patient data, HL7 FHIR protocols for interoperability, and hardware such as smartphones to gather and validate biometric data. This is the NoID protocol.
This passage still needs some time to understand
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