On another subject... I do not want any donations for myself... I forgot that I had an EAC wallet address in my signature(which has been removed) and this person sent me 9500EAC.
Hi, I just send 9500 EAC to eTQLypGUoYBdr5RUpw25Fdjg1eu5hxUkPd. It's not much, but I am really busy atm and it was the only amount I had directly available here.
Keep up the good work.
I am very, very grateful for the donation and their interest in this project, but I have sent them a PM asking them for their wallet address to return the donation. If I knew how to find the sending wallet address, I would return it immediately. So many thanks, but please... there are many projects in the EAC community that need funding, so I am asking that anyone considering sending me a donation to instead, visit
EarthCoinTalk and make the donation to the charity of their choice... Thank you!!!
Thanks to this person for replying... I have returned their donation... here are the transaction details -
Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 18 nodes
Date: 21/01/2014 18:39
To: Return of 9500EAC Donation ekcFKZZMoWDuE28FSrJKtnQpvcRS129rBM
Debit: -9500.00 EAC
Net amount: -9500.00 EAC
Transaction ID: 449798fc396477d18542699156cc50866234ed1b328e83e04caa16a3c6af4db4