Wow guys, those graphics are just gorgeous. I could see it being a sticker right there on the cash registers at Wally world... let's hope huh?
Anyhow, I have a 7850 card set up, and I felt like trying my luck at hitting a block, but I haven't had any luck setting up the scrypt-GUI miner to do so. I've never done that before, only mined in pools. I tried following the directions posted, but I'm getting it wrong somehow. I've been pulling about 1k/day off the mining pools (same as others, estimates say it should be more), and would like to try solo for a day or two to see if i can get lucky.
If someone would be so kind as to walk me through that procedure, baby-step style, I would be very grateful.
Also interested in possibly trading for some EAC as well, is there any way to do that safely? where would I need to go?
And of course, accepting donations, hoping to build up enough of something so i can do a little more than trade 5 dollars worth of doge all day! (Well, I DID turn it into 12 dollars worth of doge in 4 days, so not too bad, all things considered...)
EAC egr1TQDYVh742qNwRDtcWURXTg921FqpAq
BTC 16kWLsTvdmJL8R7dw6RqqwsRboAK8e1Dfq
Ok here goes (assuming this is in windows):
- Set up your earthcoin wallet (download from original thread)
- Run it, then quit
- Find and open the earthcoin data directory (open start and in the searchbox type '%appdata/roaming% ' without the quotes, that should point you to the roaming directory where you should find an earthcoin directory, note that if you don't find it you most likely have system folders hidden enabled and you need to change that 1st)
- create a 'earthcoin.conf' file (without quotes) with notepad (watch that notepad does not name it 'earthcoin.conf.txt') and add the following lines in bold to it:
addnode= now replace the **Yourusername** and **Yourpassword** with your specifics (doesn't matter at all what it is, just as long as you call on exactly that when you start cgminer)
- save earthcoin.conf
- run earthcoin wallet and let it sync (update the blockchain, solo mining won't work if it is not updated)
- now find your cgminer directory (don't know how to do this for other miners so download cgminer if you don't have it)
- make a new batchfile with notepad and name it 'cgminersoloearth.bat' (or something like that) and again watch out that notepad does not add a .txt extension or it won't work
- edit the 'cgminersoloearth.bat'file and add the following bold lines
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:15678 -u **Yourusername** -p **Yourpassword** -o **Yourpoolurl**:**Yourpoolport** -u **Yourpoolusername** -p **Yourpoolpassword** --config cgminersoloearth.conf
pause- replace **Yourusername** and **Yourpasswprd** with exactly what you chose earlier for the earthcoin.conf file
- replace **Yourpoolurl** and **Yourpoolport** with your pool information (check start post if you don't have a pool and have singed up, you need a worker configured on most pools or it will not work)
- replace **Yourpoolusername** and **Yourpoolpassword** with your earthcoin pool login info (note this step is so that you can take advantage of the longpoll function that the pool provides while solo mining, it prevents you from working on already solved blocks while solo mining and thereby wasting a lot of time and kh/s)
- save the cgminersoloearth.bat file in the cgminer.exe directory
- now make a 'cgminersoloearth.conf' file in the same directory (or edit if it already exists) and put any GPU tuning script lines in there - can't tell you what those are because it differs per card and personal setup but it should be things like thread_concurrency, vectors, intensity and about 50 other variables you can set to tune your kh/s performance - read the cgminer docs and google a lot)
- start earthcoin wallet if it is not already running and let it sync
- start the 'cgminersoloearth.bat' file from the cgminer directory
- you will see cgminer load with and after a few seconds show you the 'normal' screen with kh/s per card, accepted and rejected shares and all that other stuff
- likely a couple of lines above that it will say something like 'connected to localhost diff XXX (whatever number) with LP (means longpoll, if it says without LP check back after a few minutes) as user **Yourusername**
Succes, this means you are mining solo succesfully!
Now for the nasty part, you will not see much else for hours most likely, except your kh/s slightly changing every few seconds.
Accepted, Rejected values per GPU wiil stay 0 for a long time since you don't submit shares like when mining on a pool.
Only when you actually solve a block you will see a message like 'Solved blablabla BLOCK' and your values will change.
Most other times you will see either 'Network diff set to X (any number)' or 'Stratum from pool 1 detected new block' or 'Block change for localhost:15678 detection via **Yourpoolurl** stratum' (that last one to notice you that the block you are solo solving at that moment has been solved already and your miner should move on and stop wasting time)
That's about it. Hope I didn't f-up, checked it twice but there might be an error in here, point it out and I'll correct it.
Sorry for the horrible formatting, don't do these forum things very often
If this works and helps feel free to tip me for a beer