I cant believe how upset people get when they first realise they cant read. I dont know the devs but I can tell by their posts that English isnt their first language (no offence) so it should be blatantly obvious to anybody with half a brain to think, I better check the details as things do get lost in-translation! I think some people should wipe their mouths before they go to bed or they will get shit all over there pillow

okay well until you realize that the op and pre ann were changed only hours ago.. NO PREMINE NO ICO , the 60% of mined coins are to be applied to existing ICO... so clearly there is an ico so NO ICO means there is an ICO but they failed to announce that correctly?
I dont know how you read, But it is clearly stated XDE ICO Investors and also if you read carefully, all the 60% is not for those XDE Investors it is just a portion for them
and the other Portion for BOunties, Eags Jobs, Promo Campaigns, Games, Faucets ....and more included EAGS Services. The OP will be full Updated with those Information in 2 days.
Also EAGS will be very Valuable because we put a lot of work into it and we are not going to step back.
If the whole NO ICO and IPO bother some of you, I can remove it from the OP but the XDE Investors will still get their free shares of EAGS and that will not have any impact on EAGS
value if that what you are worrying abt.