Any news? Dead coin?
Unbelievable.... went from 800 to 3000 satoshi's, dead coin? Sure, I think you're a braindead uses
Any proyect going on or just some people buying?
This week there will be a couple of things going on:
27 januari:
I myself will visit Break the System protest in The Hague and hand out vouchers. I have multiple contacts and had contact with some of the speakers over the past couple of months. visit the website for more info anonymous masks can be bought with e-Gulden if you can find me
As I am still recovering from my car accident I will respect the organizers to let this be the last peacefull protest, just speak out truth and educate is r3\/0_|utionairy enough for now.
29 januari:
This thursday has been announced Guldenday at the Bitcoin embassy in Amsterdam starting at 14:00 me and the treasurer of the e-Gulden Foundation will be present to answer everybodies questions. You are welcome to visit us there januari:
special meeting that might not be announced on bitcointalk until after it took place, but everybody is welcome in Breda.
You might have missed the launch of our savingsfund: it went live on januari first but personally I prefer selling paper wallets to friends, family and fools while the price is not on a dime.
Also i keep referring to one of my texts to which no one has ever responded, which is ok because I like the dutch version better. week the ECB announced another euros and if you are behind your computer all day you might not find out that nobody cares about this website being up or not and all the crap that comes with it. I hope your plate got filled to your whishes and I hope this will change your tone towards us, while hostillity is the last action where our energy should go to in these special times where every risk is a chance, we should help eachother, maybe you want to visit our e-Gulden group on OCUPY.NET? Our wallets had an SLL update are working on a new version of our website, but i'm not the right guy to talk to on that subject.
You can visit our virtual world by downloading then create an account here when you start firestorm, these are your settings:
Start at: e-Gulden
login to Grid: Metropolis Metaver
Klik LOGIN! will service as escrow for any transaction you can imagine, or atleast you can give it a shot.
I am working with a private project that allows me to calculate in honoust numbers the way I like it.