There are some new investors coming to EGC and I think the old investors that jump away from EGC when it got it lows are coming one after another back to EGC. I don't khnew any other DEV that got more trust and I think trust has the highest priority because of 700+ crypto coins and 650+ scam coins. I hope we get more support from Community Member and get EGC to its real valvue. 1000$ is my goal for EGC not compared in any way with Bitcoin !
I hope EGC always stay trusted and never loose his hope and his good support team.
And another tip from me is don't hold on at a planned projekt what will anyway not have that much impact. Like I don't like that statosphere launch anymore. It cost very very much time but only brought problems and more work untill now. In that time you could reach much more with other Projects. Its nice to give Paperwallets in real life events but you could reach that without so mich work for a strato launch.
Thanks abyaby, I am honored to have yours and others trust. It is certainly not misplaced.
You are correct, new investors have been coming, and in big ways. Some of these investors are in contact with me on a daily basis. They have big plans for EGC that are just starting. I keep trying to drop hints but of course, I do not want to coerce people with their investments and I am not a 'pushy' person by nature. It is still early dawn, let's call that a strong suggestion, not investment advice.
The EGC community is EGC's greatest asset and how EGC will truly blossom. Many ideas and contributions have come forward. Some of which are not yet public. Like I have said before, there are exciting things going on below the surface. Remember, I aim to make EGC famous, not popular. That said, I exercise much caution to not make promises until I know the goal can and will be archived. In some cases, other parties involved have asked for public nondisclosure. You are aware of the new website, David has big plans there. Please do not think we intend to have 'just a website.' In the weeks to come, EGC is going to have an amazingly robust web presence. Marketplace, support tickets, FAQ, to name a few. You are also aware of the solar miner. I understand and do share the desire to see that moving at a much faster rate. I am eagerly awaiting my CHIP so I can start testing and ultimately make a parts list and design the enclosure. I have opened communications with metal fabrication, plastic molding, and powder coating companies even a value added electronics distributor that will help me with soldering and assembly should production levels deem that necessary. They are all very willing to help me produce the product. My budget is small but I do personally know these business owners/managers and they are willing to work with me and extend me credit. Some have even committed to donating their service to help. Even with the limited budget, which mind you has to keep EGC's servers on and it undoubtedly will, I have a solid plan for the production phase once we overcome the design phase.
New ideas and new contributors are always very welcome. I do my very best to make everyone feel welcome so they will feel comfortable with both me and the community to present ideas, should they have any. Several members of the community are extremely knowledgeable, kind, and helpful, for which I cannot thank enough. Together we will cultivate these ideas to fruition and have a positive impact on our planet and stand to make much profit while doing so.
As far as the strato project, I understand very well everyone may have a bit of a 'bad after taste' from failed launches. The project is a brilliant idea of Gabi's and because he is measuring the environment at altitude, is a very nice fit with EGC. We will have to bear with him and support him as we pay the prerequisite to success, failures. But you are correct, it should not impede other projects from sprouting and taking root.
As the price rises, the community will flourish bringing more and more hands, minds, and intentions. EGC is just a young sapling in the forest of coins. True, we have endured though much that many other coins have withered as a result, but our biggest growth spurts lay before us. But very much in sight.
We are all in, and very much a part of, this together and I thank you all for that.