I am experimenting with a solar staking setup for a while now, but I still haven't managed to get it going as it should.
I bought a Win 10 tv stick, 2 solar power packs and a y-cable for that purpose, but I discovered that my calculations about the power usage weren't correct.
So instead of the Win 10 stick, I attached an old Android tv stick and that did the trick.
Unfortunately Evergreen doesn't have a staking Android wallet, so my question is if you're planning to have one in the future.
PS: nice buy wall at Bittrex
install a Linux at your Android Stick and use the linux wallet in Commandline mode... that could stake
I already thought about that, but I want it to be as easy as possible and flashing it to Linux is maybe a solution for me, but not for the masses.
it isn't much complicated ...
the tools are all free and there are good working stable images for nearly all chinasticks...
the GM103 Sticks are very good in price and what you get.
How much power are your solar panels are given ?
maybe it was also possible to drive an pine64 with it (the better raspberry with mutch less powerconsumption) it needs only 6Watt max. maybe without doing any else then a commandline wallet and a Webfrontend for it based on Node.js or ngix webserver
The 2 solar power packs are good for 5V/2A so that would be about 10 Watt. I attached them both to the stick, so that would give me about 20 Watt output, right?
My Win 10 stick consumes about 10 watt max. afaik and I thought it would do the trick, but halfway the launch it stops.
The Android stick works flawless.
5V/2A max peek Power, that is the cruel ...
They print on the specs only the peek power.
That could you only get in best conditions....
when you not living in dubai and the perfect day time an angel to sun is given the give much less power.
If it are good ones than you can get round about 55 % from them also 5,5 Watt each but the good ones are very expensive.
Calculate with 30 - 35 % so you get 3 - 3,5 Watt each so it is in sum only 6 - 7 Watt.
Then it depends on the electronic to stabilize the power (V and A) this took also 0,5 - 1 Watt so effective you get from both 5 - 6 Watt.
That is not enough for the 10 Watt stick, this will be consumpted at boot full 10 Watt.
So that it could be possible to get it work with a buffer LiPo for the system start.
After fully started the power consumption should fall.
Take a look at
Pine64+ there are 3 Versions with 512, 1024 and 2048 MB Ram 15, 19 and 29 USD. They only use 5V 0,51 A tested at Version 1.4 and they have directly a 3.7 V LiPo Loader onboard. At time the most powerfull Single Board Computer with the lowest powerconsumption. Raspberry 12 Watt, BananaPi 7,8 Watt and this little devil 2,5 Watt