I have successfully deposited and withdrew EverGreenCoin from Bittrex. They are back on the correct blockchain.
I am now having issues resyncing wallet 1.2.1. for Windows (running W 8.1 64Bit)
Stuck on block 457283.
Do I need to completely download the blockchain again on version 1.2.1?
Any advice or recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Portdavenport,
If you are stuck that far behind (current block height is 464768), I would say you have peered with wallets that are in an incorrect fork still. To correct from this, yes please do a complete resync. There is a
bootstrap at block height 460949 (6th Jun 2016 12:41:29) that will expedite resyncing for you. But we want to be sure you do not peer with these same peers again. Follow these steps:
1, Close your EverGreenCoin wallet.
2, Navigate to %appdata%/EverGreenCoin within Windows Explorer. (otherwise stated, C:\Users\
3, Delete everything in that folder except your wallet.dat file.
4, Download the bootstrap compressed archive.
5, Extract the bootstrap.dat from within the downloaded bootstrap.zip into that same folder you just deleted everything except your wallet.dat file.
6, Launch your EverGreenCoin v1.2.1 wallet.
Bootstrapping the blockchain will take about 2 hours, depending on your system. The splash screen will show this entire time. It has not frozen, do not ctrl-alt-del kill it. Allow it to run its course. If you are curious to see the how far it has progressed, you will notice a file called blk0001.dat in that data directory we have been working in. That file will be increasing in size steadily. When it reaches the same size as the bootstrap.dat file, bootstrapping is complete. Your EverGreenCoin wallet will appear now and get new peers from the seednodes and download the remaining 2 days of the blockchain.
I hope that helps Portdavenport. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask or state them.