Staking only happens in a wallet that is unlocked for staking, unlocked for staking and spending, or never been encrypted and therefore can not be locked. That said, factors that do equate into staking do happen when a wallet is locked or offline such as coin age and of course, network stake weight. These factors will remain in effect when your wallet does again meet the requirements to continue staking and yes, your reward will catch up to still equal 7% annual so long as you do not fail to meet the requirements (wallet is locked or offline) for an extended time. By extended time, I mean 30 days or beyond. At a very minimal, leave your wallet running and meeting the staking requirements for 12 hours every month.
Sorry for the delayed response to your question Porsche911. You must have posted it just as I laid down for some much needed sleep. Thanks for the question. I hope I answered sufficiently.
there is another way to stake and unlock the wallet while still keeping it safe ( encrypted ) for a period of time ... without it being left completely open for hacking while stacking ... i mean staking - meh it rhymes ...
most PoS wallets have this option - and evergreencoin should be no exception ...
whether windows or linux or osx - the command will be the same but is just implemented differently if you are using console ( linux ) ...
if you are using the graphical wallet ( usually windows - osx - and linux gui ) the process is through the debug console within the wallet ... while command line ( usually linux - osx - and systems running the daemon like vps systems ) the command is exactly the same except for the execution of the daemon ...
wallet ...
- from the menu - click 'help' the click 'debug window' then click 'console tab' ...
- at the bottom commandline type ...
walletpassphrase passphrase xxx true ...
replacing the word passphrase with one that you used to lock and encrypt your wallet - and replace the xxx with the amount ( in seconds ) of how long you want the wallet in this state ...
eg ...
walletpassphrase chrysophylax-granite-like-evergreencoin 700000 true
so if my passphrase to lock my wallet was 'chrysophylax-granite-like-evergreencoin' - then what i have told the wallet to do is to stay in encrypted mode - but unlock the wallet using the passphrase 'chrysophylax-granite-like-evergreencoin' for 700000 seconds ...
for linux daemon commandline ...
./evergreecoind walletpassphrase chrysophylax-granite-like-evergreencoin 700000 true
once the 700000 seconds have expired - the wallet goes into full lockdown once again - and you can no longer stake ... so choose an amount of seconds that will be long enough to allow staking but gives you peace of mind that your wallet will 'automagically' lockdown on its own ...
if you can give this a go - let me know how it fares ...
if it works well with the egc wallet - we can make a better instructional 'howto' and add to the op ... if of course the egc team want that done ...
Yes, all this is correct information and I do thank you chrysophylax for detailing it. However, there is a feature built into the EverGreenCoin wallet that makes this a bit simpler. I did make every effort to have the EverGreenCoin wallet easy to use for non-technical people that might not be as comfortable with the console. I did detailed this feature in this post and others. I apologize if my explanation was not clear. All of what chrysophylax so kindly detailed can be done very easily from the graphical user interface with the check box pictured below:
If you unlock the wallet and leave the check box checked (default), the wallet is still encrypted and coins can not be sent either accidentally or by malicious code as easily. You will be prompted for the password again if you try to send any EverGreenCoin and you will be prompted on every sending attempt.
If you unlock the wallet and UN-check the check box, the wallet will be unlocked for staking AND spending. You will not be prompted for the password again if any EverGreenCoin are attempted to be sent either accidentally, maliciously, or on-purpose.
Mind you, there is no time limits involved if you use this method as opposed to the console method. The option you choose, unlock for staking only (checked, default) or unlock for staking and spending (unchecked), will stay in effect until you: A) close the wallet. Or, B) lock the wallet.
I do hope this check box feature in the unlock dialog window does make usage of the EverGreenCoin wallet friendlier. Thanks again for the detailed explanation of achieving this in the console, chrysophlax.
you are welcome - and thats great to know ...
this is the reason i asked the question for testing and running with egc wallet - as i ONLY use a daemon under linux - and its ONLY console ... so i had no idea about the gui wallet ...
the instructions i mentioned were based on my experience with other PoS wallets - namely blackcoin - and didnt run the gui to check ...
the gui method really does make it easy ... i just wont ( actually cant ) use it on the vps daemons ...
tanx again mate ...
btw guys - if you havent been on irc - get over there ... these guys are throwing their money around to the members of the irc with the new egc rainbot ...
i only need another few thousand - and i will have another node setup ...