Sorry for my silence the past few days. I have been very busy with my job. I would just like to update everyone on current and future plans for EGC. Currently, Steve and I are contacting as many payment processing websites, media outlets, and sustainable energy companies as possible. We believe that the more people and businesses we email, the more word about us will spread. Our end goal with that is to spread awareness about our coin and our foundation. With that being said, we understand the current price and market cap of the coin is lower than anticipated. I would personally like to assure you all that Steve and I are dedicated to this project as ever. The future is still very optimistic for this currency. Please, continue staking your coins and keeps those nodes running. We will continue to work diligently for all of you. In your free time, continue to promote who we are and what we plan to implement. We can not do this all and rely on all of you just as much as you rely on us to keep coming out with news, updates, plans, and ideas. Again, I would like to stress just how dedicated the team is to this project. Steve, our lead dev, has been working sleepless nights, maintaining the network, patching, and making great changes to our wallet. I have been sending hundreds of business emails, tweets, and maintaining all other social media outlets. If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, or new ideas to help, feel free to contact us in a personal message or reply to this thread. Thank you all for your patience and time.
Clay is very correct in his statements. Especially the sleepless part.
lol, no in all seriousness, I assure you as Clay did, low price will not hold us down. In fact, it is a bit of a fuel for myself. I would like to reiterate what I have said in the IRC many times. My idea of price manipulation is simple, work harder. I also would like to take a moment and reflect on the progress EGC has made in its little over one month age. Most coins are lucky to be on one exchange at this age, unless they are an ICO.
We are on four. One supporting fiat buys and sells. All showing very respectable volume levels. All from a very fair and honest launch announced a month prior. For a coin with very honorable ambitions. If I sound proud, its because I am. Not because the price is high or low. Not because exchanges are many or few. I am proud because through it all I have proven myself to be an honest, open, helpful, and hard working developer. I am also proud to see people rally behind the mission of EGC. This community is one other coins dream of. When I look forward to the horizon and see our goals and know they are obtainable, I can not imagine how proud we all will be when we get there.
Yes, there is much work to be done. I wont let pride nor price distort my vision and, again quoting my IRC self, keep my nose to the grindstone.
Have an awesome day TreeToppers, Steve.