My apologies for the lack of communication today, EGC community. We are getting a week or more of heavy rain and I had some agricultural obligations I needed to preform before that rain started...
Fertilize the fields of corn... a tractor fixed (in the distance, circled in red) and out of the soybean field before it sinks from the many inches of rain coming... took a picture of the soybean pods forming for the EGC community also..., I had to mow grass at two farms. I did not take pictures of that.
Anyway, I see I have missed many communications. Sorry, I did not intend to ignore anyone. I am catching up now, while the buckets of rain start to fall... I will sleep well tonight! Well, depending on how excited I get when I look at today's market data.
Hardworking guy
Are corn any soy fields GMO free?
Sadly, no. The seed cost for non GMO is out of this world. There is no way we could afford it. I don't even think we could easily get 50 acres of non GMO seed, if we were rich enough to afford it. This of course, all by design I believe.
Of course it is by design of shameless corporations and greed. They want the whole world to use seeds and plants that are not able to reproduce (even greater crime against nature) so they could sell seeds each year.
Don't want too sound harsh, but this is completely against your vision of EGC and what you are trying to establish with it.
GMO in food production could be viewed as far greater concern to our nature and ourselves as non-renewable energy, although this is also very important aspect of healthy living. Main objective for GMO produce is, that it is full of pesticides and herbicides already from the seeds onwards. The main reason for GMO producing is the plants are resistant to pesticides and herbicides and can be sprayed with that shit that is causing huge health problems to humans and animals and again humans eating them. I know in USA over 90% of soy is GMO, but you should realize it can be done, if there is will. Maybe it's time to sell some EGC and try to do something in that perspective for next season ;-) You could then again use your own seeds for seeding. Studies show by GMO farming soil is loosing humus and is slowly becoming sort of a desert. On the long run GMO farming will be less efficient than non-GMO and quantity will start to fall, not even mentioning the quality, this could never be compared.
It really is a shame great chemical corporations (Monsanto, Dupont) are ruling US government and causing all this hell. Since every little bit counts, you should really start looking into this option of producing GMO free produce, believe me, it's still possible. Some people are doing it and this could also be a great market opportunity for you.
This is not bashing, as you really are an honest guy (and I salute you for that), but all this EGC thing sounds quite hypocritical, if I view it from that perspective.