Info for coin traders/collectors
Current total supply of coins:
ETH: 87 171 288
ETC: 87 110 884
ELE: 20 123 885 of which 15 000 000 is premine/dev funds(was 50M.. rofl)
EXP: 14 925 980 of which 11 000 000 is premine/dev funds
ELE : Devs control 74,53% of the coins.
EXP : Devs control 78,57% of the coins.
(ETC and ETH are both much more spread among a much bigger user base)
Let's compare a case of ELE,EXP (ethereum clones) to the ETHEREUM.
Ethereum (ETH)
Block Reward: 5
Block Target : almost 13 seconds
It is created approximately "23.07ETH" per minute.Elementrem (ELE)
Premine - 15 million
Block Reward: 5 (A = Calculated as a ratio of ETH == 1)
Block Target : almost 13 seconds (B = Calculated as a ratio of ETH == 1)
ELE premine address. a748f720f5989f2b541fa9ef3c78236808123635
It is created approximately "23.07ELE" per minute. (1minute=60s / 13s * 5)Expanse (EXP)
Premine - 11.11 Million
Block Reward: 8 (A = Calculated as a ratio of ETH == 5/8 == 0.625)
Block Target : almost 60 seconds (B = Calculated as a ratio of ETH == 60/13 == 4.615 )
EXP premine address.
0xbb94f0ceb32257275b2a7a9c094c13e469b4563e : "balance": "10 million"
0x15656715068ab0dbdf0ab00748a8a19e40f28192 : "balance": "1 million"
0xc075fa11f85bda3aaba67106226aaf086ac16f4e : "balance": "0.1 million"
0x93decab0cd745598860f782ac1e8f046cb99e898 : "balance": "0.01 million"
It is created approximately "8 EXP" per minute. (1minute=60s / 60s * 8 )We can do it easily math. The ratio effect is easily calculated.
ELE = Premine - 15 million * A * B = Just 15 million
EXP = Premine - 11.11 Million *A * B = 32.045 millionIt is important to consider the Block Target time and Block Reward and Uncle reward.
and look at ELE block target time. It's fast. you will know what this means. It would be to Uncle reward advantage.
i don't include uncle data in these calculations. if include missing uncle data in these calculations, ELE will have more smaller ratio of premine coin.
ELE has a very very small premine coin.
total supply is so small that it hardly counts.
It's not appropriate for us to comment on ETH ETC total supply.
but It is appropriate to compare `blocktime, blockreward, uncleblock`
why? amount of `blocktime, blockreward, uncleblock` directly affects the growth of total supply.
but total supply does not affect things like `blocktime, blockreward, uncleblock`
That's the most important blocktime, blockreward, uncleblock for us.
total supply going to be obsolete as time goes on.Again:
So you cant answer the simple question?
ELE launched in July 2016
first block : 2016-07-04 20:49:50 (145 days ago) (
current block: 2016-11-27 14:41:17 (
4,656,608 ELE was generated for a period of 145 days.EXP launched in Sep 2015
first block : 2015-09-14 00:00:48 (441 days ago) (
How many EXP have been created in the meantime; 145 days?A month later, two months later, three months later ... As time passes, how do you think the percentage of the formula you wrote will change?
What's the ratio of the dev control coin after six months??-Each ele and exp. can you explain something to me? anyway thanks your reply