nocoin, can you explain me in PM how to compile wallets?
do i need any special software for that? ( windows QT )
would be great to learn that
I've been asked for step-by-step guide like 10 times. I'll better quote this PM:
I've had a few requests for details on how you built the Windows client. Could you provide a step-by-step?
There's a bounty from
on freenode #mooncoin ... 50k/100k? not quite sure what he was offering. I'll throw in 50k for sure. Include dependencies (clarity on db4.8 vs 5.1, etc), any ninja-moves for static linking, etc. Basically - from the point of cloning github on a virgin machine, what does one need to spit out a working, standalone executable like you provided?
I think we need to provide some build instructions (e.g. for those that don't trust binaries), from the point I have a git clone (fuck'em if they need THAT part of the instruction) - what exactly did you do to bake an environment capable of squirting out a binary? (after the baseline of Qt4, cuz that's kinda obvious
First of all, I'm using cross-compiler on GNU/Linux, package name "mingw32", so Win-users will have to install virtual machine in order to follow my guide. It could be an obstacle, but not the hardest one.
The main problem is: I WISH I can do step-by-step guide, but there is always some little stinky bug in every new fork, like
src/main.cpp:1726: error: integer constant is too large for 'long' type
when somebody makes new currency with gazillion of coins, so you need to append "LL" at the end of that value, or
blahblah libboost::chrono not found
when somebody fucked up Makefile and you need to verify all deps and their order (!) manually or
i586-mingw32msvc-windres: failed at bitcoin.ico
when somebody made icons in - don't know, MS Paint 0.1b? - and you need to fix this with Imagemagick.
And all this dependencies. They're lying in my /mingw32/deps/ folder like... for eternity and I don't even remember what tricks I used to compile them. What I do remember: I used bootstrap scripts from as starting point.
So, if you want me to write step-by-step guide compatible with every fork and every Win-user - sorry, the answer is no. I don't believe somebody will be able to do this.