EnergyCoin eco-green node deployment project on Raspberry PIHere's how to get the 10K ENRG tip:1. Take a fresh image for your raspi, like raspbian or other light linux and write it on your SD card.
Help to prepare SD card: sources and others: to and download ARM 1.1.2 build EnergyCoin-1.1.2-arm.tar.gz (you will also find the sources to build on your own if you want)
In order to run this version under Raspberry Pi you should install dependencies using following commands in terminal:
• sudo apt-get update
• sudo apt-get install libboost-system1.49 libboost-filesystem1.49 libboost-thread1.49 libboost-program-options1.49 libqt4-gui libqt4-network libdb5.1++ libminiupnpc-dev
• tar xvf EnergyCoin-1.1.2-arm.tar.gz
• ./energycoin-qt
On your internet box or router, forward port TCP 22706 to your raspberry (allow your PI to be a full node, distribute blockchain and connect to 9 nodes or more)
2. Post in this thread with a photo of your Pi, and also a photo of your Pi screen.
The following should be visible in the photo of your Pi's screen:
A: A window showing your Raspberry Pi serial number
(using “cat /proc/cpuinfo” in terminal)
Help here: The EnergyCoin-QT wallet with the green checkmark in the lower right hand corner indicating that the RPi is now a currently synced node
or the "getblockcount" command in the debug window.
C: The EnergyCoin-QT debug window open showing the command "getconnectioncount" having been typed in at the bottom and the window showing 9 or more connections.
3. Send a PM to crypto4jan with your EnergyCoin address so he can send you the 10K tip
I have running the PI with 12-15 connections.
I you prove you have also running your PI then I reward you with 10K ENRG
Instruction see abouve.