
Topic: [ANN][EXCHANGE][LIVE], Your Gateway to the Internet of Value - page 168. (Read 321916 times)

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Great project, moreover it is french, that is really cool altough i dont speak french ! I hope you will succeed, everything looks fine, WhitePaper is detailed, the team is good, well experienced and the "real economy", that's make me really confident for the future. French projects are still rare and it is good to see that we can be part of blockchainr evolution too ! I hope there will be some AMA to chat with the team and learn a little bit more about people behind this project ! I will subscribe to annoucement and check news. It is possible for me to invest in this project even if I need to learn more about it before. Regarding the airdrop, this is a really good contest with a quite big reward, I hope you will have a lot of people trough this contest !
Activity: 121
Merit: 0
CEXs, by name, ignore a fundamental aspect of Bitcoin – decentralization. One problem with CEXs: they are much easier to hack than decentralized exchanges, and many new coins are only listed on new and unproven CEXs – often leaving emerging cryptos more vulnerable. We have seen the failings of CEXs (which operate uninsured and unregulated) in various cryptocurrency exchange hacks over the years, most famously when Mt. Gox lost ~850,000 BTC, and they continue to occur too frequently.

An alternative to CEXs are decentralized exchanges (DEXs) which, much like Bitcoin, use peer-to-peer technology. With a DEX, users resume total control of their funds and have the security of trading directly from their own wallets with on-chain settlement and don’t rely on any central authority’s supervision. Transactions can be executed on smart contracts and atomic swaps using what is known as Hashed TimeLock Contracts (HTLCs). DEXs are less vulnerable to attacks, but still in their infancy. Many are not as user-friendly, offer less functionality, and lack the liquidity offered by CEXs.

Traders who want everything cryptocurrency has been touted to offer including liquidity, low-latency and security, don’t really have many options. The best solution is an exchange platform that combines a decentralized “trustless” cross-chain “fair exchange” settlement with the technology of a centralized custodial exchange. This allows decentralized options if users feel like settling a transaction without the supervision of a third party (eliminating counterparty risk), but also the efficiency of a low-latency, fully-featured centralized exchange when they need quick and liquid trading for exchanging large volumes. Many people are ready to move away from CEXs and DEXs to a platform that can meet all their needs. looks poised to offer users the best option available for any scenario, and it will all be available at a single exchange.

CEXs and DEXs have their strengths, but neither is able to give traders everything they need. A credible cryptocurrency exchange needs to be accessible, efficient and functional; it must encourage trade while ensuring trust., a centralized exchange with a decentralized settlement, aims to do just that and I look forward to trying it out.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
a promising project. hope to succeed
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Hello. Can you tell us more about the project and the development roadmap of the project?
I want to head out and need to know about it
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Internet of Value is the next evolution of the Internet. Internet value allows users to trade assets, rights, goods and services safely, globally and around the clock without the involvement of a centralized agency or traditional financial intermediary. or referred to as a trusted third party.

Internet value is built on multiple value networks based on hierarchical chain block, automatic, transparent and secure. Different networks operate different versions of the blockchain, thus being driven by different electronic currencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, or Litecoin. Each network meets the needs of certain types of transactions, such as high-value billing or title registrations or the needs of specific transactional communities, such as the network of self-entities. therapy or industry.
Medium: @hieunguyen_65264
Telegram: @HieuNguyen1109
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
good luck team, congrats your team and thanks your airdrop
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
I really like the way they are doing the bounty campaign. It is very smart and simple. I don't know but look at the team, they have a Goldman Sachs guy in their team. I think they can make something big. And about the road map, I can see it very clear. I believe that the project will be very successful. Thank you for what you are doing and bring to us.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Join the next successful project
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
I see the projects in bitcointalk very well in the market. I hope the bitcointank project gives my uncle something new. I hope bitcointank will grow stronger and have more potential. In many monetary fields. I am very pleased about this project.
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
I really like the way they are doing the bounty campain. Very smart and simple. I don't know but look at the team, they have a Goldman Sachs guy in their team lol. I think they can make something big. And about the road map, I can see it very clear.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Join! the next successful project
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
You have a new chance in investing Do not miss it!
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Well to be honest, I really like the way they are doing the bounty campain. Very smart and simple. I don't know but look at the team, they have a Goldman Sachs guy in their team lol. I think they can make something big. And about the road map, I can see it very clear. They even have margin trading lol. Wanna beat Bitmex? Sound interesting.
In the post they say:
Minimal downtime, typically restricted to server maintenance, application upgrades, or database migration.
Resilience under high volume, heavy traffic conditions, or DDoS attacks.
DDoS attacks is really a fear of me since I always put my money on exchanges.
If they can make it then I would love to trade on the exchange.
However, together with Paymium, aims to become the leading cryptographic exchange in Europe by 2020.
That means it is not a fast return invest but a long term project.
2020 quite long but I think those who wait can gain max roi.
It is quite impressive when I look at the team and the way they work.
Very lean I have to say that.
People, keep your eyes on this project.
It won't make you disapointed
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Coolest contest I've ever seen!
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Hello! great project! I congratulate all who take part, I wish every success! I wish the development team and success in the development of the project !!! Thank you for not standing still !!!
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
I would like to introduce about Blockchain project. Here is description: aims to become the most reliable crypto-assets marketplace in Europe, where crypto-currencies and tokens will be traded securely among institutional and individual investors.
BCIO tokens will be available for trading in October 2018, which will mark the end of our ICO.
Blockchain is centralized order-book with decentralized settlement, which is encourage trade while ensuring trust. A centralized exchange with a decentralized settlement will do just that.
According to Pierre Tavernier, the platform will combine a centralized custodial exchange with a decentralized “trustless” cross-chain “fair exchange” settlement. The centralized exchange will be low-latency and full-featured, with custody services, centralized order booking and efficient order matching.
Blockchain has three characteristics: Fully compliant and transparent; Ultra-secure and non-custodial; and Reliable infrastructure. These items would protect your assets and mitigate your risk at least.
According to Blockchain, there are liquidity services as follows:
+ Built on Paymium’s proven security and technological record. A high level of digital asset protection and safe record of transactions.
+ Built on fair-exchange protocols enabling cryptocurrency atomic swaps to mitigate counter-part risk.
+ Advisory and technology services to execute third-party ICOs. New listing and market making services to foster enhanced token liquidity.
In addition, Blockchain has a team of talented and professional people: Pierre Noizat (CEO), Dominique Rodrigues (CTO), Pierre Tavernier (CMO), Laetitia Zito (CFO) and other outperformed staffs. All of them are specialists in their field and have a great deal of experience. They devoted their time and efforts to build Blockchain. Therefore, it will help Blockchain develop and advance in the cryptocurrency world.
In conclusion, I think that this is a huge potential and good project! I hope the project will develop in the future and will go to the moon. Good luck to your team. I will support the project until the end. I hope you can share your results as soon as possible.
Activity: 584
Merit: 0
"Биткoйн пpeдcтaвляeт плaтфopмy, нa кoтopoй вы мoжeтe зaпycкaть вaлютy в кaчecтвe пpилoжeния в ceти бeз кaкиx-либo цeнтpaльныx тoчeк кoнтpoля. Cиcтeмa пoлнocтью дeцeнтpaлизoвaнa, кaк и caм интepнeт. Этo нe дeньги для интepнeтa, a интepнeт дeнeг.”
Andreas Antonopoulos
Toчнo тaк жe, кaк Интepнeт пepeoпpeдeлил глoбaльнyю кoммyникaцию, Биткoйн и дpyгиe кpиптoвaлюты тeпepь изoбpeтaют дeньги и тpaнзaкции cтoимocти.
Дo Биткoинa дeньги oпpeдeлялиcь гocyдapcтвeнным cyвepeнитeтoм нaд тeppитopиeй. Oтнынe любoe cooбщecтвo мoжeт чeкaнить coбcтвeнныe дeньги в видe кpиптoвaлюты или цифpoвoгo тoкeнa и нaчaть тopгoвaть бeз кaкoгo-либo цeнтpaльнoгo нaдзopнoгo opгaнa.
Toлькo в 2017 гoдy пepвoнaчaльныe пpeдлoжeния мoнeт (ICO) coбpaли oкoлo $5 млpд. Кaждый пpoeкт финaнcиpoвaлcя cooбщecтвoм дepжaтeлeй тoкeнoв, кoтopыe cтaли eгo пocлaми. Ceйчac yжe дecятки миллиoнoв дepжaтeлeй тoкeнoв.
Биткoйны и цифpoвыe тoкeны пoxoжи нa лyчшиe, yмныe нaличныe дeньги. Этo пpoгpaммиpyeмыe дeньги. Heмeдлeннo ликвидныe, бecкoнeчнo дeлимыe и мгнoвeннo пepeдaвaeмыe, oни мoгyт быть зaпpoгpaммиpoвaны для yдoвлeтвopeния пoтpeбнocтeй кoнкpeтныx aктивoв, пpaв, тoвapoв или ycлyг или кoнкpeтныx cooбщecтв.
Интepнeт цeннocти пoзвoляeт пoльзoвaтeлям бeзoпacнo тopгoвaть aктивaми, пpaвaми, тoвapaми и ycлyгaми вo вceм миpe и кpyглocyтoчнo, бeз yчacтия цeнтpaлизoвaннoгo opгaнa или тpaдициoнныx финaнcoвыx пocpeдникoв или тaк нaзывaeмыx «дoвepeнныx» cтopoнниx лиц.
B ближaйшиe гoды мы yвидим мнoжecтвo кpиптoвaлют. Hoвыe кpиптoгpaфичecкиe paзpaбoтки и плaтeжныe пpилoжeния пoзвoлят нaм ocyщecтвлять oпepaции вo вcex этиx вaлютax, пpи этoм тpaдициoнныe “фиaтныe” вaлюты coxpaнят cвoю poль в кaчecтвe цeнoвыx якopeй/индeкcныx вaлют.
B видeнии (  Интepнeт цeннocти - этo cлeдyющий ypoвeнь эвoлюции Интepнeтa.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Very interesting project with a promising coin!
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