
Topic: [ANN][EXCHANGE][LIVE], Your Gateway to the Internet of Value - page 53. (Read 321935 times)

Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Hello, supporters of! Have you guys read this articles featuring

BCIO met up with OkayKrypto at the Wolrd Blockchain Summit Singapore and they were impressed, to say the least. Read their article here:

And here is an ICO analysis by Cryptocoin Australia. It is a pretty good analysis that gave BCIO a rating of 4.1/5.

Check it out and share your points guys and gals!
full member
Activity: 406
Merit: 108
Dear Community!

If you have any questions or comments regarding the airdrop, you can ask your questions in the official Telegram group or fill out this form:

Fill this form for your complaint regarding airdrop please.
sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 251
In my opinion, this platform will be in good demand, and their popularity is just a matter of time, the team has a good experience in the form of the Paymium platform, which began its work in 2011, and already had great popularity among many traders. At the moment, there are a huge number of exchanges in the world, but to be honest's platform outperforms many of them in its capabilities and I'm sure that experienced traders will appreciate its functionality.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Safe and Regulated Adoption of Cryptocurrencies
Fully compliant & transparent. Exhaustive accounting records regularly audited. Aims to comply with all applicable regulations and international laws.
Pierre Noizat is the CEO of Paymium, a company he co-founded in 2011 as one of the first bitcoin exchanges in the world. Pierre started working on cryptography applied to digital television services long before bitcoin appeared. He is a recognized expert in the cryptocurrency industry. He has authored numerous books and articles about Bitcoin and is a much sought-after speaker at major conferences on the subject, such as the Bitcoin Conference, Vivatech, Wired and PayForum.
Pierre holds an MSc from Ecole Polytechnique, France’s leading Engineering School, and a MBA Degree from Columbia University in New York. Select digital currencies Listing of currencies following a technical selection process (sustainability, technical and deep protocol reviews). Pictogramme, Institutional ICO & token listing is an ICO service going from planning and execution of ICO campaign to providing ICO token liquidity via listing on at the outset of the ICO. High performance matching High availability and high scalability trade matching engine to sustain a deep orderbook on all pairs.  Pictogramme
Basic & advanced orders Market, limit, stop loss, take profit and trailing stop orders. Self-cancelling and expiration orders. Pictogramme
24 / 7 / 365 Support Dedicated staff available at any time to answer customer requests and solve issues experienced on the exchange.
 Pictogramme  Periodic auctions
Transparent auctions several times a day to bootstrap new currency markets with an efficient price discovery mechanism.
 Pictogramme Prop & peer-to-peer lending
Traders can borrow money from other platform users or from the central inventory for larger amounts. Pictogramme  Short & long margin trading
Traders can borrow to open leveraged (or not) long or short positions guaranteed with a security margin. is driven by the highly experienced team of cryptocurrency experts who,
seven years ago, founded Paymium, a fiat/bitcoin exchange catering to the underserved
Euro market. shares Paymium’s highest security, reliability, and accountability
standards. It strives to overcome the shortcomings of rival crypto exchanges that have
repeatedly caused severe losses for issuers and token holders. To achieve this, the team
relies on its advanced knowledge of cryptographic technology, its operational in-depth
understanding of the crypto world, and a strong company culture committed to security
and compliance. will combine the efficiency of a low-latency full-featured centralized
exchange with decentralized “trustless” cross-chain settlement. The project leverages the
latest developments in cross-chain atomic swaps, cryptographic protocols, and payment
networks such as Lightning and Raiden. These developments will overcome the scalability
issues of decentralized blockchains, allow transactions across heterogenous blockchains,
increase the speed and lower the cost of these transactions, making them ready for mass
Welcome to the Internet of Value!
In the same way as the Internet redefined global communication, Bitcoin and other
cryptocurrencies are now reinventing money and value transactions.
Before Bitcoin, money was defined by State sovereignty over a territory. From now on, any
community can mint its own money in form of a cryptocurrency or digital token and start
trading without any central supervising authority.
In 2017 alone, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) raised around $5 billion. Each project was
financed by a community of token holders who became its ambassadors. There are now
already tens of millions of token holders.
Digital tokens are like better, smarter cash. They are programmable money. Immediately
liquid, indefinitely fragmentable, and instantly transferable, they can be programmed to
meet the needs of particular assets, rights, goods, or services or of specific communities.
The coming years will see a multitude of cryptocurrencies. New cryptographic developments
and payment applications will allow us to transact in all these currencies, with the traditional
"fiat" currencies retaining their role as price anchors.
full member
Activity: 254
Merit: 102
I'm looking at the topic already as 2 months as created, I would like to know, can you still join the distribution or is it too late and it's over?
Activity: 266
Merit: 0
Good and experienced team. They have been into Blockchain since long and are experts.They are going to provide many of the big services for the ICO and blockchain products like trading, ico from ideation to listing. Would love to follow this ICO in future as well.
Activity: 70
Merit: 0 has a good and experienced team. They will offer many great services for ICO and blockchain products such as deals, ico from ideas to lists. I will follow up on this project.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Hey everyone. This is one of the project that really got my interest and I am looking forward to this one. What I really like about it is the features listed really catch my interest. I love crypto since last year and I really like on how the future on digital money grow
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 102
Crypto Lovers
Why the task videos and article in airdrop was closed ?
if the task closed, just some people will winner the airdrop.
please open the task videos and articles
Activity: 138
Merit: 0
Now many exchanges will follow BCIO exchange innovation since the team has spreaded the word out in blockchain conferences all around the world... so BCIO is the kind of innovator right now... i am proud of it
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
Пpoeкт - этo вaш шлюз в Интepнeт цeннocти.  Дaнный пpoeкт пoзвoляeт пoльзoвaтeлям бeзoпacнo тopгoвaть aктивaми, тoвapaми и ycлyгaми кpyглocyтoчнo вo вceм миpe, бeз yчacтия цeнтpaлизoвaннoгo opгaнa или тpaдициoнныx финaнcoвыx пocpeдникoв или тaк нaзывaeмыx «дoвepeнныx» cтopoнниx cтopoн. пocтpoeнa нa нecкoлькиx дeцeнтpaлизoвaнныx, aвтoмaтизиpoвaнныx, пpoзpaчныx и бeзoпacныx ceтяx c пpивязкoй к блoкчeйн. cтpeмитcя быть нaдeжнoй кpиптoвaлютнoй биpжeй для индивидyaльныx и инcтитyциoнaльныx тpeйдepoв и инвecтopoв. Oн нaцeлeн нa oбъeдинeниe coвpeмeннoгo кpиптoвaлютнoгo oбмeнникa c пepeдoвыми дeцeнтpaлизoвaнными pacчeтaми c иcпoльзoвaниeм пocлeдниx «нeнaдeжныx» кpocc-цeпныx тopгoвыx пpoтoкoлoв для ypeгyлиpoвaния cдeлoк бeз нeoбxoдимocти иcпoльзoвaния дoвepeннoй cтopoннeй кoмпaнии или кoнтpaгeнтa. cтpeмитcя пpeoдoлeть cyщecтвyющиe нeдocтaтки кpиптooбмeннoгo pынкa, пpимeняя caмыe выcoкиe cтaндapты бeзoпacнocти, нaдeжнocти, cooтвeтcтвия и пoдoтчeтнocти.
Чтoбы дocтичь этoгo, кoмaндa бyдeт oпиpaтьcя нa cвoи пepeдoвыe знaния в oблacти кpиптoгpaфичecкoй тexнoлoгии, ee глyбoкoe пoнимaниe кpиптoгpaфичecкoгo миpa, cтpoгyю диcциплинy в paзpaбoткe пpoгpaммнoгo oбecпeчeния и eгo дaвнюю пpивepжeннocть coблюдeнию и пoдoтчeтнocти.
Ocнoвaтeли пpoeктa - oпытнaя кoмaндa c глyбoкими знaниями пpoтoкoлoв шифpoвaния. Oни cтaли пepвooткpывaтeлями oбмeнa кpиптoвaлют в Eвpoпe в 2009 гoдy. Bпocлeдcтвии oни coздaли Paymium в 2011 гoдy, cдeлaв eгo пepвым eвpoпeйcким oбмeнникoм кpиптoвaлют . Paymium пoддepживaeт caмыe выcoкиe cтaндapты бeзoпacнocти, нaдeжнocти и пoдoтчeтнocти, чтo тaкжe cтaнeт oтличитeльнoй чepтoй  Paymium paбoтaeт бeз взлoмa c 2013 гoдa. Ocнoвoй для этoгo пpeвocxoдcтвa являeтcя кopпopaтивнaя кyльтypa пpивepжeннocти бeзoпacнocти и тexнoлoгичecкoй кoмпeтeнтнocти.
Чтo кacaeтcя coблюдeния и пoдoтчeтнocти, Paymium, нacкoлькo нaм извecтнo, являeтcя eдинcтвeнным кpиптooбмeнoм, финaнcoвыe cчeтa кoтopoгo пoлнocтью пpoвepяютcя внeшним ayдитopoм c eвpoпeйcким нaимeнoвaниeм, эквивaлeнтным aмepикaнcкoмy CPA. Плaтфopмa пpимeняeтcя нa дoбpoвoльнoй ocнoвe и cooтвeтcтвyeт тpeбoвaниям Eвpoпeйcкoгo бaнкa для пpoцeдyp пo бopьбe c oтмывaниeм дeнeг (AML) и нoy-xay (KYC).
  Coблюдeниe и бeзoпacнocть тecнo пepeплeтaютcя, paвнo кaк и юpидичecкиe и тexнoлoгичecкиe cтaндapты, кoтopыe oни пoдpaзyмeвaют. Ocвoeниe oбoиx пoзвoлит paзвить пoтeнциaл экocиcтeмы кpиптoвaлюты и cпpoвoциpoвaть мaccoвoe ycынoвлeниe cpeди инcтитyциoнaльныx и индивидyaльныx инвecтopoв.
Пpoeкт имeeт нaдeжнyю инфpacтpyктypy:
•   Mинимaльнoe вpeмя пpocтoя, кaк пpaвилo, oгpaничивaeтcя oбcлyживaниeм cepвepa, oбнoвлeниями пpилoжeний или мигpaциeй бaзы дaнныx.
•   Уcтoйчивocть пpи бoльшиx oбъeмax, ycлoвияx интeнcивнoгo движeния или DDoS-aтaкax.
•   Hикaкoй тexничecкий дoлг: биpжи, кoтopыe быcтpo дoбaвляют нoвыe aльткoины или нoвыe фyнкции бeз нaдлeжaщeгo тecтиpoвaния или тщaтeльнoгo пpoeктиpoвaния пpoгpaммнoгo oбecпeчeния, нaкaпливaют тexничecкий дoлг, иcпoльзyя яpлыки. Texничecкий дoлг пepeвoдитcя в пpилoжeния, кoтopыe cлoжнee пoддepживaть и пoдвepжeны oшибкaм и дыpaм в бeзoпacнocти.

• пpивлeчeт тpeйдepoв бoльшoгo oбъeмa c тaкими cпeцифичecкими ocoбeннocтями, кaк API FIX и мexaнизм зaимcтвoвaния, нo тaкжe c выcoким ypoвнeм дocтyпнocти тopгoвoй плaтфopмы.
•   Moщнocть oбpaбoтки нa пepвoм этaпe бyдeт cocтaвлять дo 2 миллиoнoв зaкaзoв в дeнь.
Кpиптoвaлюты бyдyт пepeчиcлeны нa тopгoвoй плaтфopмe пocлe cтpoгoгo пpoцecca пpoвepки (ycтoйчивocти, тexничecкoгo и глyбoкoгo oбзopa пpoтoкoлoв) нaшeй кoмaндoй экcпepтoв пo блoчнoй цeпoчкe. Peгyляpныe oбнoвлeния и пyбликaции бyдyт инфopмиpoвaть yчacтникoв плaтфopмы и cooбщecтвa oб иcпoльзoвaнии тexничecкиx oбзopoв и финaнcoвыx aнaлизoв нa ocнoвe aльткoинa. пpeдocтaвит пoддepжкy кaмпaний ICO и ycлyги пo пepeчиcлeнию тoкeнoв, чтoбы пoмoчь пpeдпpинимaтeлям в плaниpoвaнии и пpoвeдeнии кaмпaний пo cбopy cpeдcтв.
Пocлe кaмпaнии, кoтopыe пpoвoдили ICO нa ocнoвe oбecпeчит, чтoбы внoвь coздaнныe тoкeны были пepeчиcлeны нa для oбecпeчeния ликвиднocти для инвecтopoв и тpeйдepoв.
Bмecтe c Paymium cтpeмитcя cтaть вeдyщим кpиптoгpaфичecким oбмeнoм в Eвpoпe к 2020 гoдy.
Ecли вы xoтитe yзнaть бoльшe или пoддepжaть нaшy кoмпaнию, тo мoжeтe пoyчaвcтвoaть в нaшeм «Token Sale». Для этoгo пoceтитe и зapeгиcтpиpyйтecь в «WhiteList» для пoкyпки тoкeнoв.
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 100
Join the next successful project
Activity: 2
Merit: 0 project is your gateway to the Internet of Value
As a cryptocurrency exchange, will play a major role in the Internet of Value’s ecosystem. It will be the marketplace where cryptocurrencies will be traded against each other, a gateway to and a bridge across the multiple value networks powered by different blockchains/cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). will combine the efficiency of a low-latency full-featured centralized exchange with decentralized “trustless” cross-chain settlement. The project leverages the latest developments in cross-chain atomic swaps, cryptographic protocols, and payment networks such as Lightning and Raiden. These developments will overcome the scalability issues of decentralized blockchains, allow transactions across heterogenous blockchains, increase the speed and lower the cost of these transactions, making them ready for mass adoption. is driven by the highly experienced team of cryptocurrency experts who, seven years ago, founded Paymium, a fiat/bitcoin exchange catering to the underserved Euro market. shares Paymium’s highest security, reliability, and accountability standards. It strives to overcome the shortcomings of rival crypto exchanges that have repeatedly caused severe losses for issuers and token holders. To achieve this, the team relies on its advanced knowledge of cryptographic technology, its operational in-depth understanding of the crypto world, and a strong company culture committed to security and compliance. aims to be the cryptocurrency exchange of trust for individual and institutional traders and investors. It aims to combine a state-of-the-art low-latency cryptocurrency exchange with advanced decentralized settlement using the latest “trustless” cross-chain trading protocols to settle trades without the need for a trusted third-party or counterparty. aims to overcome the current shortcomings of the crypto exchange market by applying the highest standards in security, reliability, compliance, and accountability.
To achieve this, the team will rely on its advanced knowledge of cryptographic technology, its operational in-depth understanding of the crypto world, its strict discipline in software development, and its longstanding commitment to compliance and accountability.
The founders of are a seasoned team with in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrency protocols. They pioneered cryptocurrencies in Europe in 2009. They subsequently created Paymium in 2011, making it the first European Bitcoin exchange. Paymium claims the highest standards in security, reliability and accountability, which will also be the hallmark of
Paymium has been operating hack-free since 2013. A company culture of commitment to security and technological competence are the underlying basis for this excellence.
In terms of compliance and accountability, Paymium is, to the best of our knowledge, the only crypto exchange whose financial accounts are fully audited by an external auditor with a European title equivalent to an American CPA. The platform applies on a voluntary basis, and complies with, European Banking requirements for anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) procedures.
Paymium and offerings are a perfect pair and the logical next step to meet the rising expectations of the crypto world as it evolves into the Internet of Value.
The European cryptocurrency market is still up for grabs and is determined to lead it. will naturally address the untapped opportunity of the currently underserved European market.
European governments have adopted Fintech friendly policies. They regard blockchain developments as an extremely valuable tool to revamp financial services. Institutional and individual investors show a growing appetite for Bitcoin, Ether, and European ICOs. Most European regulators are open, with a wait-and-see attitude.
In’s vision, these factors bring extremely compelling evidence of the strong growth potential of the European market. will be dedicated to exchanging cryptocurrencies against each other, a complementary offering to the founders’ fiat exchange, Paymium.
The platform will combine the new-generation technology of a centralized custodial exchange with decentralized “trustless” cross-chain “fair exchange” settlement.
The centralized cryptocurrency exchange will be a low-latency, full-featured exchange with custody services, centralized order booking, and efficient order matching. As grows, it will add more functionalities such as margin trading, proprietary lending, and peer-to-peer lending.
The decentralized cross-chain settlement will be based on cross-chain atomic swaps, i.e. cryptographic protocols that allow users to settle transactions across heterogeneous blockchain networks without ‘trusted’ third-party and without counterparty risk. This will represent a big departure from traditional markets and a major step toward the Internet of Value. will jumpstart liquidity in three specific ways:
   ICO services offering to assist issuers with their ICO campaigns and ICO listings,
   Listing of other tokens (Non-ICO),
   Market making using inventory,   
   Custody and brokerage services for institutional clients,
   Incentive program for Paymium users to ensure the smooth and seamless transition of the community to the new services. The 170,000 accounts of Paymium will become the first community to access services and the Internet of Value.
The team will be the engaged drivers of the development of the advanced cryptocurrency protocols that will enable’s decentralized settlement. leverages research and development by the most prominent software developers who are entering the cryptocurrency ecosystem in droves. Among them, the teams at Lightning Networks, Tumblebit, and Rootstock are constantly improving on-chain and off-chain cryptographic protocols to enable atomic swaps through hashed timelock contracts (HTLC), payment channels, and sidechains.
   These technologies enable seamless trading across heterogeneous blockchains fueled by cryptocurrencies of different nature such as POW, POS, DAG, and others, such as POB. They also provide solutions to the scalability issues of Bitcoin-based blockchain and massively lower the cost of transactions.
   The and Paymium teams believe in a regulated future for cryptocurrencies 2.0.
   While a few governments such as the PRC’s have temporarily banned cryptocurrency exchanges, most national regulators, such as the SEC in the US and the AMF in France are seeking to define a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and ICOs. Gibraltar issued its own token. Japan licensed currency exchanges, while considering, like Estonia, issuing State-sponsored tokens for specific uses. strongly believes that cryptocurrencies will be regulated, in various forms, extent, and degrees, depending on the country or region. Our philosophy for Blockchain. io is to anticipate regulatory requirements and become the first exchange to be fully compliant as soon as relevant regulations are being issued. considers this as an essential feature for the successful course of business. The team has engaged in regulatory watch and conducts frequent discussions with various State authorities to educate them in cryptocurrency issues and to ensure that the key values of the crypto community are understood and respected.
   Compliance and security are closely intertwined, as are the legal and technology standards they imply. Mastering both will unleash the potential of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and trigger mass adoption among institutional and individual investors.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
s of the blockchain, which in turn are fueled by different cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, or Litecoin. Each network meets the needs of certain types of transactions, such as high-value payments or title registry, or the needs of specific trading communities, such as a network of autonomous objects or an industry sector. as the leading exchange in the Internet of Value will enable users to trade across all these value networks.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges Enable Users to Navigate the Internet of Value

Cryptocurrency exchanges enable users to trade across multiple value networks powered by heterogeneous blockchains.

Activity: 6
Merit: 0
The development of crypto currency and blockade does not stop for a minute. New participants and companies join the market. is a reliable currency exchange for traders and investors. This project has a serious team of developers and they know how to do their thing.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
A wonderful project with such functions - minimal downtime, limited maintenance or migration. Stability when attacking a large volume or DOS. There is no technical duty.
Fully compatible and transparent. It looks like a legal concept with an interesting idea. It's nice to put the whole team in all social networks.
Accounts are regularly checked.
The Internet value is built on several decentralized, automated, transparent and secure networks with a link to the chain. In different networks, different versions of blockages work, which, in turn, are fed by various cryptovariants, such as bitcoyne, ether or litecoin. Each network meets the needs of certain types of transactions, such as high-value payments or a register of property rights, or the needs of specific trading communities, such as a network of stand-alone facilities or the industry sector.
Very creative and innovative use of the blockchain technology.
Wish you all the best for the future of this project!
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
As the number of cryptocurrencies grows, cryptocurrency exchanges become the marketplaces for listing and trading cryptocurrencies. In the current context, users mainly buy cryptocurrencies as a store of value, in anticipation of a future value increase. As exchanges list multiple cryptocurrencies in one place, supply information about them, enable comparisons, and set bid/ask prices according to demand, they help separate the valuable cryptocurrencies from the useless ones. Investors become increasingly discriminate in their choices of cryptocurrencies as a store of value or as a utility token.

As technological and regulatory barriers to the Internet of value will be lifted, cryptocurrencies and decentralized value networks will gain mainstream acceptance. To trade on these different networks, users will need to buy
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
It is worth noting that when entering the ICO market of large investors and venture funds, the marketing policies of development companies may completely change. This ICO is quite a promising product that boldly enters the market, good luck to the team in all endeavors.
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