NXT-E is always syncing with official block chain and using official nodes.Yesterday, there are more than 6950000 coins deposit to
fJ7BxMa2B1waqXXyVccVoKf5HMNb2T7sXy our exchange, including 1.5 million coins. Not to mention, poloniex probably received more.
http://fac.blockx.info/ showed the same records until they are updated.
The dev team said the coins were distributed to so many people. Everyone got 1000 fac. But this amount is so huge, probably more than 10 million coins, which leads us to wonder who can possibly have such amount of Farincoins besides dev team themselves.
We need explanation that the coins that Faircoin team rolled back is because of 51% attack or they come from the 15 million coins that were claimed gone missing when the first time distribution. So Dev team deposit them maliciously, and after trading btc, rollback the blockchain to cover up and prepare the next attack. Because they "fixed" the problem so quickly and easily, even if BTC team can't fix 51% attack.
Either reasons are huge risks. And it could happen again. So to protect Faircoin investors, NXT-E decided to suspend the market and withdraws until dev team give all of us a reasonable proof and show everyone that they handle it satisfied. There is no false on our side. Dev team develops a coin that has serious problem, can't just roll back block chain and pretent nothing happened. We need truth.
nxt-e 平台一直和官方的 blockchain 保持同步检查,也一直使用官方提供的node ,昨天我们被存入6950000 fac(150万未确认)全部来自于一个 nxt-e 的一个全新账户!
fJ7BxMa2B1waqXXyVccVoKf5HMNb2T7sXy , http://fac.blockx.info/ 也有相同的存款(今日被更新后消失了)。 不用说poloniex可能接受了更多的FAC存款,据我们观察,他们大约也被存入 650万 fac.
官方回滚的650万, 现在我们需要官方用证据来解释!回滚的650万是因为 fac 受到 51% 攻击产生的假账,还是它是属于官方声称丢失的 1500万的一部分(官方恶意存入后,交易BTC后,blockchain 回滚,消灭证据)
上述两种原因都将是FAC未来重大隐患,它随时还会发生,因此NXT-e做出 暂停FAC存取款的决定,直到官方给出合理的证据,证明上述问题得到妥善解决。因此 nxt-e并没有发生过错误。开发团体开发的币出了非常严重的问题, 不能就简单回滚Block chain, 假装什么事都没有发生。 我们需要真相。
还记得官方曾经说最后的 1500万币弄丢了(鬼才相信开发者不保留钱包),我们市场中有很多不成熟的币也有分叉的情况,但是没有一个官方像 fac 这样无法沟通的。 也没有任何一个币出现如此巨大的问题。
C2 和 FAC 同样都属于 POW 币,算力低,理论上都容易被 51% 攻击。 C2的市值更高,在 bter 中成交量更大, 试想一下,如果你是黑客,都能发起 51%攻击,选择C2收益会更好! 因此我们怀疑 51% 攻击即使具备条件也是很困难的。 综上:我们有理由怀疑 FAC团队因为前期分裂导致 1500万币被个人拿到,昨天来抛售,官方却扮演了无辜的角色来充当中心端 进行回滚。 试想其他平台还敢接受这个币吗?
我们和亲爱的用户一样希望得到真相,假如被 51% 就请提供证据!