I thought this project would pick up right from te start. Unfortunately it did not and this means price will drop just like other majority of coins. A masternode only works when you have a stable or price that is going up.
If heading down you loose money fast!!
Watch out guys! Even the good masternode projects do not seem to be able to keep prices up. People loose faith and think twice before putting their money in another masternode coin. There have been some big losses over last weeks. Bitcoin has been able to recover several times, but majority of masternode coins is not able to recover. Masternode hype is over.
And look where we are atm. Big pricedrop. I also did revieuw for Gobyte. Predicted the pricedrop just acording to the charts. In one or two weeks price wil go down by another 50pct. The promised raise of altcoine price (april / may) did not come so people are stepping out. We are heading for an era where a lot of altcoins will fall. Bitcoin remains strond(gest)?
All masternode holders are selling coins straight away. Also for this rather good project. This show weakeness of the system with masternodes. After all isn't it just a pyramide scheme
Sorry for your losses.
With a whole whopping 5 btc worth of volume over the past week, I dont think we have enough info either way. With 4.75 million gen block and almost 3.5 million tied up in MNs, doesnt leave much FGC for the order book. From what I can tell based on some analysis of the blockchain addresses, this drop is one early holder getting out probably because they need the money. With these rewards it makes no sense to sell, and of course 1 dumper can move a super thin book that far, everyone else is holding out for MN rewards.