Finally, it was launched!
GUI miner is available!
New discussion thread: for FCN to be added to exchanges here
and here:!voting Giveaway:,1572.0.htmlSpecifications: - PoW algorithm: CryptoNight (64-bit CPU-only);
- 60 sec blocks;
- emission curve 22 => 50% coins will be emitted in 6 years;
- block reward decreases according to the formula (2
64 - 1 - A)*2
-12 where A = supply mined to date;
- difficulty retargets every block;
- merged mining with Bytecoin (BCN) or BitMonero (BMR)
Downloads: Linux binaries!cdtmmC5Q!mVjlEyp_wWNqFWQb16vUFA0Wwm9OCeVHahzC0k2u7WMWindows binaries!ZRsXSIAB!dZfVJ_urH17aAiNbI_z3a8fE3EgxjkP0rWzULohDHUQSource (works with 10.7, 10.8, 10.9):!4Y8QEbjb!A1H1oyvMBNVcu1FCkAZG7hdMTDp-h705hbBo359esLMOfficial site:'m developer working with
thanful_for_today on merged mining issues. I see that community is against merged mining in BitMonero but I still believe in MM. I will start my own blockchain with MM implementation from scratch.
New blockchain will need no additional hashpower - it will use Bytecoin/BCN or BitMonero/BMR blocks or shares as PoW. Miners are free to choose "donor" chain they like. In case other chains based on CryptoNote will appear they also can be used as "donor" chains. This way I expect that new chain will have more hashpower than both BCN and BMR.
[1] CryptoNote site:[2] Bytecoin OP:[3] BitMonero OP:[4] BitMonero merged mining post: merged mining instructions for those who doesn't like GUI: First of all be sure of two things:
1. Launch Bytecoin's or Bitmonero's daemon and wait till its synchronization.
2. Start FantomCoin's daemon. The process is very similar to BCN's: launch command line, navigate to the right folder and launch fantomoind.exe . Use "save" command after synchronization
3. Create FCN's address. Again it is the same process as for BCN and BMR: open another instance of command line, navigate to Fantomcoin’s folder and generate new wallet with “simplewallet”.
simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345Here “example_wallet.bin” is the name of the wallet (use .bin file extension) and “12345” is the password for your new wallet.
4. One more command line is needed. Navigate to Fantomcoin's folder and launch minerc.exe using the next command:
minerc --node1= --node2= --wallet1=%your BCN or BMR address% --wallet2=%your FCN address%--node1= is IP and BCN's daemon port. If you want MM with BMR you need to use this one: --node1= instead
--node2= is IP and FCN's daemon port
5. Enjoy merged mining!
Merged mining with GUI:1. Start daemons and make sure they are synchronized with the network. Use
save command after it.
2. Start GUI miner. Add BCN/BMR and FCN addresses to the right field. Click "Start"