When I've seen that wallet didn't work properly I thought: compile it! But when I tried I've had some problems with libleveldb.a, I think that's because of my boost version
Anyway, that's not about-coin topic, what's important is that I've missed the first payments damn!
Hey, actually, I checked with Otool and I got this: http://pastebin.com/bxZXG9KC
Are you missing any libraries listed above? It seems berkely did link with macdeployqt...
@executable_path/../Frameworks/libdb_cxx-4.8.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
Yes, could be. But I'm not compiling it because I can't (now) - I'm not with everything installed.
That's why I've replied here with the steps to generate and able you to send the deployed version.
Can you please follow the steps, generate the .dmg and share with us?
With that steps it should work
Thanks a lot Quadmium!
The problem here is that those steps are irrelevant except making a dmg (macdeployqt already linked libdb_cxx in), would you like me to create one? I'm not sure how that will help you run the wallet. Join our IRC and we can talk more easily.