I thought Thimos gets the Flap for fixing and compiling
I hope the fixed code is okay.
It is fixed.
To clarify for anyone asked.
Thimo fixed code/delivered binaries and we tested code.
1 revision/change was made(Hard block fork number) so the binaries needed recompiling.
To clarify why this isn't done yet, we we're waiting for our devs to get online for that specific task.
Due updating early and to avoid another catastrophe by asking pool operators to revert their changes, we instead insisted they keep the changes to avoid confusion and requested all pool operators update early.
We request all transactions stop until we can get the wallets out to general public.
Honestly if you want a real answer. This isn't as big of a deal as it seems as long as people understand(And should of understood the entire time) this transition is a little bumpy.
Hold you coins/back up your wallet and once we get confirmation of new set of binaries we will post them.
To accelerate the process as I am unaware when my developers will be online that handle the compiling, and not having the environment up to compile windows binaries myself I opened it to the public at a 25 million bounty to deliver binaries compiled.
Does that answer your question?
Thimo fixed the code/compiled so we could test. The change in code since his compile was one line a hard fork change and a revision change.