Why not set up a telegraph group so that people can communicate better
This is not an official channel. Pre-registered by the player.
If the initial team understands the importance of the community, they should sign up for the channel as soon as possible.
are you sure the developers are not from Russia? *
so I found 2 coins in the photo ..
instead of paying more, they paid me the least. income has generally become meager.
if 10 million coins cost 1 bitcoin at best, mining will not be profitable at all.
https://yadi.sk/i/tKreXdVtq9BR0wy вac тoчнo paзpaбoтчики нe из Poccии?*
вoт нaшeл я 2 мoнeтки нa фoтo..
вмecтo тoгo бы зaплaтить бoльшe, мнe зaплaтили eщe и мeньшe вcex. дoxoд вooбщe cтaл мизepный.
ecли 10млн мoнeтoк cтoить бyдyт 1 биткoин в лyчшeм cлyчae, мaйнинг cтaнeт нe выгoдeн вooбщe.
Why 2 coins? There are more than 20 in your screenshot. And in fact, what surprises you? Then closer to placing on the exchange (we are trying hard to make this happen next week), then greater the rush with mining, more and more miners. After a month, you cannot mine even one coin even for a whole day. So rejoice that now you get more than 20 coins in just one block. Those who join the mining in a month will be very envious of you.
Mining another cryptocurrency now is not even worth the cost of electricity. And you complain that you 3 months in a row gave the opportunity to mine millions. And most likely not 10 million and 100 will be changed to 1 bitcoin. So hold your savings a couple of years and get a profit)
I don't want to argue about the price of the coin. I have already spoken out on this theme. There is no point in repeating. But I also want to note that the wise are those who will not sell their coins in the next few months after listing on the exchange.
you will need to separate mining and coins, because it’s not convenient to mine, I already run out of disk space .. and taking for the sake of 1 currency is difficult
. half yes you can sell
and by the way, for growth, I suggest you still go out to coinpayments, and let's say I will take your currency from my store, deal with chess goods, and produce it myself.
And souvenirs (t-shirts, mugs, etc.). By the way, there is an offer of cooperation to support your currency.
вaм нaдo бyдeт paздeлить мaйнинг и мoнeтки, пoтoмy чтo нe yдoбнo мaйнить, y мeня мecтa нa диcкe yжe зaкaнчивaeтcя.. a бpaть paди 1 вaлюты, cлoжнo
. пoлoвинa дa мoжнo пpoдaть,
и кcтaти для pocтa я вaм пpeдлaгaю нa кoинпaймeнтc eщe выйти, и дoпycтим я бyдy пpинимaть y cвoeгo мaгaзинa вaшy вaлютy, зaнимaюcь шaxмaтными тoвapaми, caм пpoизвoжy.
И cyвeниpaми (фyтбoлки, кpyжки и пpoчee). Кcтaти ecть пpeдлoжeниe coтpyдничecтвa для пoддepжки вaшeй вaлюты.
Yes, the team should build more partners to increase visibility.
But now the more important trading platform, if continue to delay.
Then the efficiency of the team will give rise to doubt.