
Topic: [ANN][FT1] Fortune1Coin - cryptocurrency with built-in affiliate program. - page 7. (Read 30157 times)

Activity: 201
Merit: 0
I am worried about another question .. why right now the income has become lower?
I remember 3000 coins for 1 block, the difficulty fell 10 times ..
158.000 became when I connect 2 computers the complexity of 178.000 becomes ..
But as I received 4 coins, I get it. even lower.
Who takes 2800 coins? the second is even more powerful .. how many are mining right now?

Firstly, the number of miners is not visible, and its power, this already causes distrust of the currency. here at least 40 invest projects take place, no one seeing honest statistics will not go into the currency.

Where are the contacts of the developers? and systems? also a big minus.
Having money in my hands, I will personally think, is it worth investing?

you hope understood.
While I wrote already the currency fell ... before I had time to post.

I generally wanted to sell my goods for this currency, but so far the administrators are silent, and in general ..

мeня вoлнyeт дpyгoй вoпpoc.. пoчeмy щac дoxoд cтaл нижe ?
я пoмню 3000 мoнeт зa 1 блoк, cлoжнocть yпaлa в 10 paз..
158.000 cтaлa кoгдa я пoдключaю 2 кoмпьютep cлoжнocть 178.000 cтaнoвитcя..
Ho я кaк пoлyчaл 4 мoнeты тaк и пoлyчaю. дaжe нижe.
ктo 2800 кoинoв зaбиpaeт? втopoй eщe мoщнee.. cкoлькo щac мaйнят?

Bo пepвыx нe виднo кoличecтвo мaйнepoв, и cвoю мoщнocть, этo yжe вызывaeт нeдoвepиe к вaлютe. тyт xoть в 40 инвecт пpoeктax paзмeщaйтecь, никтo нe видя чecтнoй cтaтиcтики нe пoйдeт в вaлютy.

Гдe кoнтaкты paзpaбoтчикoв? и cиcтeмы? тoжe бoльшoй минyc.
Имeя нa pyкax дeньги, я личнo бyдy дyмaть, a cтoит ли вклaдывaтьcя?

вы нaдeюcь пoняли.
Пoкa я пиcaл yжe вaлютa yпaлa... нe ycпeв зaпocтить пocт.
я xoтeл вooбщe зa вaлютy этy пpoдaвaть тoвapы cвoи, нo пoкa мoлчaниe y aдминoв, и вooбщe..
jr. member
Activity: 90
Merit: 1
Hi everybody ! Team work every day. But, it's work you can see... Sorry. The team is currently working on entering latoken, We are working on a very good presentation for investors, this is now the main task of the project.
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
For a better currency development! changes are needed on the site and in general .. in Russian I wrote that our people would understand here, because the answer in the Russian section is even slower

1) First you need to completely change the site - to make it more clear and beautiful. Under modern requirements, just at the moment the site looks like a schoolboy was writing it.
no offense - rather weak.

2) change the contacts section - add email for quick reaction of problems - 3 links now - are no good, we need to know the developers, otherwise it seems that currencies will be used to launder money, not good things

3) and most importantly, respond more quickly to requests on the forum or at the post office (website), otherwise I offered you cooperation, the ability to accept payment at my place for physical goods, but 4 weeks go by and silence.

I think many will agree with me.

Для лyчшeгo paзвития вaлюты! нyжны измeнeния нa caйтe и вooбщe.. нa pyccкoм нaпиcaл чтo бы тyт пoняли нaши люди, ибo oтвeт нa pyccкoм paздeлe eщe мeдлeннee

1) Baм нyжнo вo пepвыx пoлнocтью пoмeнять caйт - cдeлaть eгo бoлee чeтким и кpacивым. пoд coвpeмeнныe тpeбoвaния, пpocтo в дaнный мoмeнт caйт выглядит кaк бyд-тo eгo пиcaл шкoльник.
бeз oбид - cлaбoвaт.

2) измeнить paздeл кoнтaкты - дoбaвить пoчтy eмeйл для быcтpoй peaкции пpoблeм - 3 ccылки ceйчac - никyдa нe гoдятcя, мы дoлжны знaть paзpaбoтчикoв, a тo кaжeтcя чтo вaлюты бyдeт иcпoльзoвaтьcя для oтмывa дeнeг, a нe xopoшиx дeл

3) и глaвнoe быcтpee peaгиpoвaть нa зaпpocы нa фopyмe или нa пoчтe (caйтe), a тo я пpeдлoжил вaм coтpyдничecтвo, вoзмoжнocть пpинимaть oплaтy y ceбя зa физичecкиe тoвapы, нo 4 нeдeля идeт, и мoлчaниe.

Дyмaю мнoгиe coглacятcя co мнoй.
Activity: 145
Merit: 10

I agree with airat9000 there are few signs where you need to look before making false acusations:

-OP starter: Last Active:   April 22, 2020, 10:10:54 AM;
-thread have a good bunch of posts (in comparison with other projects) for a 8 months old thread;
- last commit was on April 13, 2020.

Looks like the coin is still alive for me.
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
Smiley Died project as there is no news... on bindax volume 0.27 usd Smiley 

you are wrong .. yesterday a warning hung on the site, today everything is fine, admins are alive ..

The fact that trade, yes, we just save and hold millions of coins until growth, I do not want to sell 5 million coins for 10 bucks, when I can sell them for $ 50,000 or higher.
And I am not alone there, a lot of people are holding and still are not selling anything.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Smiley Died project as there is no news... on bindax volume 0.27 usd Smiley 
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
Any news on the project? and then silence .. other projects are developing, making changes, but here everything stands and stands.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Any info or now will be no news ?
any development of mobile wallet ? Light version of wallet in order not to sync all node ?
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
If you separate the software language pack, I think more people will help you translate.
jr. member
Activity: 320
Merit: 2
Dear community.
Today we present you the new release of our coin wallet - version 1.2.0. This is the first release focused on localization (internationalization) of the FT1 client. Now two initial language translations have been added to the distribution: German and Russian. Although most of the interface has been translated into these languages, you may find that there are still places left where there are no translations. This is due to some peculiarities of the wallet code and the heavy load on the team, because of the craziness that is happening in the world due to the flu epidemic (COVID-19). In the future, we will add and correct the translation inaccuracies that you will tell us about.
We invite the community to join us in translating the wallet. You can download .ts files for translation into German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian and two versions of Chinese from the GitHab wallet repository.
For translation you need to use QT Linguist application. You can find out how to use it here
If you want to translate to a language that does not have a file in the repository, let us know, we will add the requested file.
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
Grin I now care about the question that the price starts to rise, I expected that there would be solid money, because if you mine 1 coin from 1 block, you can become completely homeless.
While you earn 1 million coins you will already be retired. and then cut off 100 bucks in total?  Cheesy Grin
That synchronization issue has been dealt with we now have a kicker for the new growth, maybe rapid pump. Many quality coins Ive tracking have strayed from under my radar, mainly because of mischief on teams' side or as a result of natural selection. Only shits remained. I am not a big fan of nugatory projects although I sometimes buy them for kicks and for laughs. But who will buy this one? Nah not even me.

I think that all of you know the current situation in the world, including in the financial markets. Already hundreds of projects have been washed away from the market amid the current crisis. Thousands of coins and tokens are on the verge of closure. But look, our project is alive, and that says a lot. Yes, it’s hard to attract investors now, but we are working on it.
This or next week we will present the project at the LATOKEN Fundraising Launchpad ( This should attract investors to the coin, which will lead to an increase in price, because, as you remember, the issue of coins is now significantly reduced.

develop the project! Do not try to close! there are great opportunities.
I really hope for him! It’s necessary to make a wallet a separate mobile.

And develop the project further.
jr. member
Activity: 320
Merit: 2
Grin I now care about the question that the price starts to rise, I expected that there would be solid money, because if you mine 1 coin from 1 block, you can become completely homeless.
While you earn 1 million coins you will already be retired. and then cut off 100 bucks in total?  Cheesy Grin
That synchronization issue has been dealt with we now have a kicker for the new growth, maybe rapid pump. Many quality coins Ive tracking have strayed from under my radar, mainly because of mischief on teams' side or as a result of natural selection. Only shits remained. I am not a big fan of nugatory projects although I sometimes buy them for kicks and for laughs. But who will buy this one? Nah not even me.

I think that all of you know the current situation in the world, including in the financial markets. Already hundreds of projects have been washed away from the market amid the current crisis. Thousands of coins and tokens are on the verge of closure. But look, our project is alive, and that says a lot. Yes, it’s hard to attract investors now, but we are working on it.
This or next week we will present the project at the LATOKEN Fundraising Launchpad ( This should attract investors to the coin, which will lead to an increase in price, because, as you remember, the issue of coins is now significantly reduced.
full member
Activity: 398
Merit: 109
That synchronization issue has been dealt with we now have a kicker for the new growth, maybe rapid pump. Many quality coins Ive tracking have strayed from under my radar, mainly because of mischief on teams' side or as a result of natural selection. Only shits remained. I am not a big fan of nugatory projects although I sometimes buy them for kicks and for laughs. But who will buy this one? Nah not even me.
Activity: 201
Merit: 0
 Grin I now care about the question that the price starts to rise, I expected that there would be solid money, because if you mine 1 coin from 1 block, you can become completely homeless.
While you earn 1 million coins you will already be retired. and then cut off 100 bucks in total?  Cheesy Grin
jr. member
Activity: 320
Merit: 2
Version 1.1.2 is available for download.
- in order to improve synchronization, some nodes are removed and new ones are added.
- changed synchronization settings
This version is highly recommended to solve the blockchain synchronization problem.
jr. member
Activity: 35
Merit: 2
Try to contact here They make free advertising for the first 30 projects.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
I also think that YouTube bloggers who talk about cryptocurrency can help.With advertising and attracting people.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
You need to make an ad and somehow increase the price of the coin. If people see that the currency of kudato tends and grows they will start investing. And since the price is held and really nothing is known about the coin and do not want to invest. In General, you need HARD ADVERTISING. Advertising is necessary for the reason that if you write in the search engine, it does not find anything. There is no data about the coin.  Sorry for the English. I'm from Russia.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
It may be worth trying to make taps like Bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. It might help you get ahead.References 1) this is 12 cryptocurrencies 2)
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