Nice one!
Something which I think is really essential for any new CPU mining software builds (and the wallet) would be the ability to set a % of CPU mining. My current work-around for this is to use cpulimit;
sudo apt-get install cpulimit screen
Run gapcoind;
cd gapcoin/src && ./gapcoind
You then need to start a screen instance for top and run top;
screen -S top
This will display all of your systems process ID's - PID's.
You then need to find the process ID for gapcoind. It's most probably near the top of the list.
Then hold and press
crtl + A + D to exit the screen session.
Note that if you want to re-enter the same screen session later to check % CPU mining is working then you need to do;
screen -r top
screen -S top
as this will just start another new screen session! You only need to do this after you have re-started your server!
Back at the prompt execute;
cpulimit -p PID -l 64 /dev/zero &
Where PID is your gapcoind numbered process ID and 64 (example) is the maximum CPU usage for gapcoind.
Note : I wouldn't recommend going much below 64% CPU usage or much above 74% CPU usage per single core instance - depending on what else your server is running.
Hit enter twice, first to confirm the process ID and second to action the CPU limit into effect.
Now we can start mining with gapcoind;
cd gapcoin/src && ./gapcoind setgenerate true 1
./gapcoind getprimespersec
./gapcoind getmininginfo
You can now confirm that the mining process (gapcoind) is using the set CPU limit by checking top again.
screen -r top
Then hold and press
crtl + A + D to exit the screen session.
To exit the SSH connection with the server it's;
and enter.
I will link to this post from and also add more 'free' cloud server company options for mining in this regard.
Note that the server company may still open a ticket for 'high CPU usage / abuse' - you might explain to them that you are running a node for a mathematics / scientific research project and tell them you can further restrict the CPU usage, if necessary.
The flag for constant CPU usage varies. However, if your total system use remains on average below 85% to 90% then you will probably go undetected as a 'good egg' in this regard.
Good luck!