We probably need more info to figure out what you are saying.
Withdraw from where to where?
You know, a bitcoin address IS a counter wallet address. However, you won't see GEMS in a bitcoin wallet. It has to be a counter party wallet.
If you sent GEMS to your bitcoin wallet did you get a transaction? You can add that address to your counterparty wallet and see any counterparty assests in it.
You could also put your address in the counterparty blockexplorer https://www.blockscan.com/ and it will show you any assets in that address as well.
well let's put it like this, i have gems in getgems messenger, i want to send them to any other wallet outside getgemz messenger app, where then i will be able to trade them, when i enter the secret phrase in counterwallet.io the only wallet from the app that is shown, is the bitcoin one, not the gemz one, and the balance is 0, plus it only says xcp and btc, not gemz.
P.S.: just noticed that i said that both sites recevied them i meant both sites did not recevied the gemz. i entered both btc and gemz addresses that getgems messenger says, in blockscan.com and says that have no balance, but getgems messenger shows me gemz
Ok, I'm pretty sure with the current version of the wallet the GEMZ are stored off chain... which means they won't show up in your counterwallet if you use the same seed/address as your GetGems wallet.
If you want to move them on change, create a new address in your counter wallet and send it to that address. But, then they won't be in your getgems wallet.
A GetGems dev can probably confirm this... since I am only going by info that was posted her previously.
Ok but are you sure? Because i already loss testing if i can transfer successfully the gemz