IF gems are going to be used in this paykey and they pull it off early next year as they hope then I can see this being a huge product, possibly the biggest step in Crypto for years, I think millions will want to hook up bank and use it....turn your efforts to accumulating not complaining.
I simply don't know why the price hasn't exploded up, either people dont know or people haven't grasped the concept. Anyone commenting on this thread should know once this gets better know it almost definitely will explode. Not having 100% confirmation is when you should invest cause by the time its confirmed it might be late and the price is so cheap even just going on the standard app success anyway.
Everytime I watch the 43north video I think oh my goodness this is going to be huge!!!!!!!!!
Same here, people don't realise getgems made it to the top 11 under the getgems brand with this idea in the biggest bussiness idea competitions in the world and between 11000 participants. Not only are they delivering their milestones 1 by 1 but they are actually active in the real world with big goals, connections and parthnerships which got me interested in the first place. If a project can't reach further than bitcointalk or their subreddit stay away from it, no average person will use such projects and they will be pure speculative coins backed by only traders and not real world achievements.