src/growcoin/src$ make -f makefile.unix -e PIE=1 USE_UPNP=
g++: error: /home/coin/src/growcoin/src/leveldb/libleveldb.a: No such file or directory
g++: error: /home/coin/src/growcoin/src/leveldb/libmemenv.a: No such file or directory
before compile:
cd /folder/growcoin/src/leveldb; chmod 777 build_detect_platform
i also had to do this or i got compilation errors on linux:
Change this:
Line: 100
void getStakeWeightFromValue(const qint64& nTime, const qint64& nValue, quint64& nWeight);
void getStakeWeightFromValue(const int64_t& nTime, const int64_t& nValue, uint64_t& nWeight);
credit to banzaiBTC as this was his solution for the same error on 1337