1. how the IPO will be used, How many BTC will used for merchants , how many for promotion , and how may will gave each member in the Dev team.
2. when the Official website is ready
3. when the Official MultiPool is ready
4. when the Blockexplorer is ready
5. how may bounties for the MultiPool, if no bounties at first days, there will no Miners to join the MultiPool . The http://dcm.multipoolmining.com/ MP only have 30 miners.
1. This question has been answered a couple times already. The IPO will be split by the team members, so that one member does not hold all the coins. Each member will hold a different amount though based on their role in the coin. The way the IPO will be used short-term is based on how many coins are sold.
If a team member get the IPO btc, then left the team, then what?