LEt me ask you this;
How will you entice people to pay for the information on hut34, insread of just googling it?
Info that is readily available on Google has, in our terms, low entropy value - but there may be opportunities for developers to either synthesise readily available information into more valuable data, or otherwise curate it in such a way that it acquires a higher value - it's easier to understand for example, or it's highly reliable, or it speaks to your bicycle's onboard computer directly without fuss - that sort of thing.
Hut34 won't make data any more or less valuable than it already is, to be honest - but what it will do, through the creation of the Hut Network, and a fair and open marketplace for entropy transactions, is allow data providers, and value providers (such as bot developers who curate / synthesise, or otherwise generate) to monetise their efforts - in such a way that the network is 'greater than the sum of its parts' and the value flows fairly across the network....
Another way to think about this is that Hut34 isn't really a consumer offering - it *can* be, of course, but there are many worlds where the first take up comes more firmly from bot developers building bots which are significantly useful, and businesses who wish to consume that data as part of their operations joining the network to access the value - we'll make some announcements in the next couple of days to flesh out some of these models
Hey @chocobo21 great question. A little more on that, there are multiple ways to monetise a data transaction. Google is not free. You are the product, and an advertiser pays for your search. I am very close to posting a couple of medium articles that show a couple of different monetisation models for bot developers. A couple of which mean that the 'user' does not pay. A couple of further things to consider as opportunities
1. Think of a corporate bot who could offer its customers a better experience by drawing on data available on the network. All corporates have a cost of sale, this could fit into that. The opportunity to an independent developer is that the corporate could be paying for your data to provide their customer a better experience.
2. Think of Spotify, you can have a 'free' unpaid experience. You are the product, and you accept being served ads occasionally. The ads pay for your free service. However if you want a better experience you can pay a monthly subscription - and get rid of the ads.
3. For high Entropy value knowledge you could pay for the data directly between owner and user.
4. There is the opportunity to have a 'google' model and have ad served content.
In all of these models the bot developer chooses themselves how they want to monetise and therefore they will attract a different kind of user. Google is one model, the data producer gets to choose nothing, be part of an ad network or not. User gets only one choice. Be served ads. No wonder there is so much rubbish online!
And finally think of conversational platforms, the incentives structures to create great data are limited. Self gratification of getting an audience. Product placement. That a about it. Incentive for the platform are maintain attention of the user so they can track data and advertise to you somewhere else.
Hut34 will bring back control, data producers and recipients will choose how they participate. The opportunity to collaborate as a community is increased on our own terms.