The minimum volume of water to be issued from a warehouse is 1 batch. After an order for water is formed, the accumulated water shall be
‘transferred’ to a smart contract and the token holder will receive a coupon for a free receipt of bottled water at a certain warehouse at a certain time.
Any person can be a coupon bearer. Coupons can be sent to a logistics company to have it deliver water to a specific address, or can be sold to any
retail or wholesale customers.
The possibility to transfer coupons allows token holders to apply their own business model, incorporating both retail and wholesale customers,
sanatorium resorts and hotels, and HORECA.
Token holders can sell their water directly from the BAIKALIKA warehouse, without having to bother about its storage or about transportation expenses.
Token holders are entitled to 7 days of free water storage at BAIKALIKA’s warehouse. After this 7-day period of free storage, any unclaimed water will
be repurchased automatically, with token holders being paid 30% of the wholesale value of the batch.
We plan the wholesale weighted average cost of 1 liter of water to be at about $0.8. In this case token holders will be able to get $0.25 from each
liter. The retail price of a 0.5-liter PET bottle at shops will make $0.75.
The wholesale price will be determined individually for a warehouse to be chosen by a token holder at the beginning of water generation.