MVP for Project BREM: Instructions for use![](
Good news for those who have been following the development of BREM platform - an online service for the purchase and tokenization of real estate, based on blockchain: Hash Lab has developed an MVP for the project. Without exaggeration, Hash Lab developers can be called among the best in Russia, as they are the leading experts in the fields of blockchain and solidity, regularly winning major hackathons. Let's take a look at how BREM MVP works (both for real estate investors and developers).
Let's start with the procedure for those who want to buy / invest in real estate, that is, for investors:
1) In order to start using the service, you need to install the browser based Metamask wallet (Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera), and then select the Rinkeby test network and log in
2) Then visit this link . . You get to the registration page, where you need to confirm the signature in your Metamask wallet. Then you go to the main page of the platform, which currently consists of two sections: Personal account and Marketplace. The existing projects for investment are placed in the Marketplace - in this section you can see the names and other parameters, like fees, for each of these projects
3) Next, you need to select a project (for example, a house in Austria or other available projects in any other country, since the project is international), click the "Deposit ETH" button and enter the amount of investment in a pop-up window that opens, and then confirm the transaction in Metamask wallet. The transaction and the deposit of tokens to your ether wallet will be displayed on the Ethereum network - "Etherscan". After that, you open the Marketplace window and see that the funds have been credited to the account, and as a percentage, the total investment displayed in the project has increased.
Separately, it is worth noting that the investor has a refund function called Refund, which works if the project does not collect the required minimum investment threshold, in other words, Soft Cap.
We now turn to the procedure for developers and / or contract creators:
First of all, the BREM MVP project is a decentralized platform or interface for creating a MINI ICO inside the platform. Any developer can create a smart contract with specified parameters for investments and with the function of releasing tokens attached to the project, and start selling tokens that are a part of the project. Thus, the procedure is:
1As a contract creator, you enter the platform, where you are invited to authorize the ethereum address through Metamask, then go to the main page of the platform (for the time being, it is a common page for both buyers and project developers);
2To create a project, go to 'Marketplace' in the section "Cabinet";
3Then you get to the section where the projects you have already created are displayed, and you can add a new project using the "ADD NEW" button;
4Thus, you create a new project and enter its parameters, where:
Name - enter a name for the project
Description - enter the description of the project
Thumbnail - attach a photo of the project
Ending date - set the end date for project investment solicitation
Map location - select the project location on the map
Address - register the address of the project
Token Name - enter the name of the token you are issuing for the project
Soft Cap - set the minimum investment needed for the project, without which the project can not be implemented
Rate - set the number of tokens per ETH, which the investor will receive
Additional files - add supporting project documentation
5) After all these actions, using the "Submit" button, you confirm the creation of the project, and then confirm the transaction in Metamask - in the same way, by clicking on the "Submit" button. After the transaction, you can see your project on the Marketplace page.
In addition, there is an auditor on the platform who has the right to release or block funds for the developer in accordance with the construction phase.
In general, MVP turned out to be very clear and detailed, so with its help you can train yourself to invest in real estate or raise funds for construction right now.
The main round of the sale of BREM tokens will start in the fourth quarter of this year - the BREM platform itself should be ready by April next year.
▶ ️ Project site:▶ ️ BREM platform:▶ ️ MVP Project:▶ ️ WHITEPAPER:▶ ️ MVP demo: