Good rating always decide quality of project/work. DEVX has proved that. check one rating site given good rating to DEVX.
ICO profile 8.8/10
Social Activity 10/10
Team Proof 10/10
Domain score 5/10
Wow, finally the rating I have been waiting for. I checked for social media ratings in their previous rating released but it wasn't there. Now am glad that it has finally been added to this. And it is good to see it a 10/10 score. They really have taken up social activities
Can anyone actually see why they were rated low on domain? I went to the site but it doesn't explain why they have given each score?
I don't trust these sites. Especially when they cannot justify their rating or in this case the 'bad' score for the domain. I don't see any problems with it.
I'm not a fan of these websites either, why do they all post basically the same ratings as each other and there is never any detailed information about the project or analysis. i would take their marks with a pinch of salt.