So this is going to be a slightly long post. I will explain the reasons why I have went all in on Electroneum, and why I see this as the ultimate crypto currency to invest in for the long run. I have read alot of misinformation, alot of misconceptions and misunderstanding about this project, so I have decided to tackle all of that and explain why I believe this crypto will be in the top 50 cryptos in the 6-12 months.
Great reward comes with great risk, lets ride this together!
For god sake, make smaller posts
I have dove some modifications to give you my personal answer
You wrote about half page , and you only talked about marketing. Marketing is nothing, the product should be the holding column of it's value. Marketing is letting people know abou it. But if they know ,and don't like it, even billions in marketing will not save you .
The problem that Electroneum(and all the crypto world) HAVE TO solveFirst problem is that people don't even know cryptos
Another problem is that people have difficulty in understanding cryptos, and also the process is difficult and long for a normal person...
And that's true. Moreover there is not very good info in native language...All the sites are in english , and lot's of people that i know don't know english(and this is the first barrier that i have seen).
Also the volatility scares the hell out of the people....I buy 1BTC today at 4000, and tomorrow is 3500....
When you have 5$ in your pocket and you lose them you get mad. Imagine 500$(and you have to wait or sell low)...
This is why people don't want to use it.........they can trade it, hold it, but it's not for daily use.......Absolutely not..
I will stop here , or i will go longer than you
Can electroneum actually solve this problem?Absolutely not. Electroneum is not even close to solve this problem from what i have read, and informed.
The only thing Electroneum will do, is putting some coins in every smartphone, so people get used to crypto(GET USED, NOT USE).
THAT'S ALL. So people will try to send and recieve, and talk about that. Nothing more.
Why it's not solving it? Well people still have to BUY electroneum if they want to use it...AND TO BUY ELECTRONEUM they are forced to go to the same process like buying Bitcoins. You have to put fiat. So you have to go to Coinbase and so on, and so on ...
So the buying problem is not solved...
Probably they will get 10$ a month for mining on cell. in westen countries is nothing.
In poor countries? Well as someone said: if 10$ are high, how the hell do they have a cell with internet connection(that you have to pay).
So the mining impact in personal economy is very small. Electroneum will ofer you about 2-3 cups of coffiee . Which is not bad for doing nothing(however you still have to pay internet, for getting those coffies
The power of viral adoptionThe worst that can happen to a long period project.
Pokemon was great for a couple of months, now people talk about it as history..All people that i know have unistalled it, or don't even open it.
We want electroneum to be used and continue for years
Price forecastOnly God knows it.
ConclusionsElectroneum is just a way to introduce crypto to the masses, to the people. That's all at the moment
I personally have invested in this project, and i think is a great project
But it's not the next Bitcoin(as his CEO said,very fairly, i appreciated that), and AT THE ACTUAL STAGE it will not solve problems that the crypto world is trying to solve for years without success. The problem will be solved when i can use crypto easily like fiat. Not gonna happen for at least 5-10 years or even more in my opinon.
I love to see others putting a lot of thought into this. Great post.
In this case, they are actually getting a crypto in their possession first, and then they are left with options, and its usually the opposite.
For some that will be it. It wont be enough to really grab their attention once they do the math. Some.
I also believe that many will see that they are getting real coins, and then see how one of their old phones stuffed in the back of a kitchen drawer stack up compared to just using the one cell phone.
Some will take it a step farther, and use the point and click GUI miner on their home computer and start taking things to the next level.
Some will see the reaction of their circle of friends, and will come to the conclusion that this is going to be the next big thing, and then follow the steps to get some Bitcoin so they can invest and be an early adopter as well.
The Main DIFFERENCE is that they have already downloaded the app, they are already mining some coin. Although its a small amount THEY ALREADY HAVE ELECTRONEUM.
Its a big difference because they are already in the sales funnel.
I quoted your post because some of it we share the same opinions, and some we dont. But that is FINE. We both are supporters of ETN, investors of the coin, and expect to see it have great success.
Your observations about the logistics of some people being able to mine are realistic, although I believe most will find a way.
I agree on the marketing points in the sense that, if you have a bad product, or a bad message, sometimes marketing can only help so much.
We have seen great ideas that no one ever heard about, and weve seen projects that have legs, but send an ineffective message.
In other industries we see sub-par products, with top notch marketing, destroy their competition even though their product actually has less VALUE than their competition.
What makes me so excited is this IS a first, with the mobile mining experience. You get REAL crypto coins using your cellphone. It measures what available power the phone would have to mine, then takes that number and uses it allocate how many coins your phone gets. Yes, the mobile mining is centralized, but the regular miners on their home computers is decentralized.
The moblie mining experience is ABSOLUTELY GENIUS!!!
It can be mining in the background, or you can play the mining game and get bonus coins.
All this is such a big DIFFERENCE from just telling someone that its going to be the best new thing since sliced bread.
Imagine if GO was able to make the game better as more people started playing it, because thats what will happen with ETN.
In LONG TERM projections, it is realistic to estimate that Electroneum can end up with more users than Bitcoin, BUT at the same time it also may have only have a quarter of its marketcap or even 10% is possible. In this Long Term estimate I think it also important to note that Bitcoin, IMO, will continue to see dramatic growth. It seems Bitcoin only does BETTER as smaller projects show shockingly high ROI from the crowdsales (but thats with the large majority of new projects failing in the ROI category. Also, Ethereum sees some of this effect as well.
For so long, so many thought it would be Bitcoin or another coin would take its place. What a lot of people didnt expect is to see these "smaller" projects, years down the road to blow past what Bitcoins marketcap was when they launched, only to see Bitcoins marketcap only contine to GAIN overall dominance when comparing Bitcoin to all other cryptos combined.
Coinmarketcap.comNevertheless, ETN passing Bitcoin just in number of users, is realistic IMO, and will get ETN ton of press in MAINSTREAM NEWS when that happens.
So people like us, who understand marketcap and what the difference is, can do the math. So they dont hear us screaming MOON/$100 per coin/ lambo!!!-confirmed!!! LOL
But we do have REAL WORLD MARKETERS, whos international clients are household names in their "day job", and they have the know-how and experience to get a clear and effective message that will move them into the sales funnel.
Im thinking 2 to 3 years for crypto in general to take off, instead of 5 to 10, but who am I to say, this is just my opinion of the market in general, and I could be as wrong.
I just think crypto is at turning point right now, over the the next 2 to 3 years and possibly even sooner, there will be a world wide awakening!! I see it starting already. I guess we will see.
Its great to see you @MaxiCripto and all the others with meaningful posts. @CryptoMido as well. Lets keep our referral code in just the signature, as this exact review you should post on all othe social linked on my next post. You will see great referrals, and join the telegram group and dont post your code their either, but you can get tips from the almost 3,000 members there talking nothing but ETN 24/7. Because of the 3,000 members there is never a time where there is any kind pause not matter the day, or time of day. think you will be successful in getting many referrals, because your post got a postitive reaction. There are people with goals of 50k ETN 100K ETN in referral bonus coins. There are people with HUNDREDS of referrals. You dont have to be #1 to still have fun promoting ETN and get rewarded for doing so.