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Why is the status of the Foundation Co-founder more profitable than the status of a simple Investor?Limited number of Co-foundersCo-founder tokens (CTFO tokens) are sold only within the ICO stages, unsold tokens will be burned.
The number of Co-founder tokens will not increase with time, but can only decrease for natural reasons.
Only 1 million of Co-founder's tokens are released per 2000 ETHThe total number of Co-founder tokens is 1 million. Of these, 140,000 tokens were sold through a private subscription to the Club of Venture Investors from St. Petersburg (Russian Federation).
The remaining 860,000 Co-founder tokens are on sale.
Co-founders receive 40% of the Fund's profit, in the ETH for their walletsUnlike Investors who purchase Investor's tokens (ITFO) in the second stage, after the completion of ICO, and receive profit by buy back of the Investor's tokens from stock exchanges, the Co-founders earn a profit in ETH directly to their purses, while the number of tokens does not decrease.
This allows the Co-founders to receive multiple returns on the investments made once in the purchase of CTFO-tokens.
The Co-founder of the Foundation receives additional privilegesThe Foundation Co-founders can use the time-sharing service and reside in real estate objects from the Fund's portfolio at no cost (during the period when the facility is free of reservation).
Unlike the Co-founder, the investor in the same facilities will have to pay the overhead costs for the maintenance of the facility.
Road Map- August 14, 2018 - September 4, 2018: ICO (open sale of the Co-founder tokens (CTFO)
- from September 5 to September 16 Co-founders wishing to be included in the Founders of the company will need to send a package of documents specified by the registrar (at the same time, just CTFO tokens owned by you within ICO procedure is a guarantee of participation in the profit)
- September 17, 2018 - the beginning of the second stage (the launch of an investment smart-contract for the sale of the Investor's tokens, ITFO), at the same time the registration procedure of the company begins, which will act as the buyer of real estate in Venezuela
- October 17, 2018 (plus or minus, since it is impossible to say exactly to the day how long it takes to register a company in the chosen jurisdiction), we will be ready to acquire the first objects, by the moment already selected by our analysts and put on vote by the Co-founders as a result of which the first objects for purchase will be determined.