Hey guys...yes, like in the video, do you know that purchasing ROMAD tokens in the IEO actually procures you license ownerships that are distributed via the ROMAD ENDPOINT DEFENSE software? You know what that means?
ROMAD is the only market solution that uses PAY As YOU PREVENT economic model, so that means for each malware blocked, the user pays for the license generated to them all through the year. Each license comes with the tokens. So yes, you get a guessimate of $10 a year for every 3 RBDT token
So you don't have to sell ROMAD tokens to get eth or btc when it rises at exchanges, 'cos license ownership dividends come to every RBDT owner in their procurement ethereum wallets where RBDT is sitting!!!
This is a very viable go-to-market strategy and i'm so glad this is already patented in the EU and USA.
Please watch the end of the video again. This is a no brainer!!!
I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that ROMAD offers an additional opportunity to earn money from a license.
The more tokens I have, the more I will get licenses and the income will increase? Do I understand correctly?
yes very very true. So for 3 tokens, you get roughly about $10 a year from those particular sets of licenses (remember, that they intend to charge the subcriber a small fee ONLY when there is an attack which be roughly about 7-8 times a year) like the millions those vested VC's will be getting from this project. So do the math it's insane profit
if all goes well and ROMAD and ROMAD is pushed by our invested VC partners and all those put a hand to support this unique and patented security system, a $2000 invest in IEO can earn u 2million usd annually. and that's just play fishing.
To me, this is even better than waiting for exchange price to go up and up and swing trading cos you don't even have to sell your romad to take profit , just lease ur licenses which are done automatically by ROMAD during the TGE to the owners of RBDT token licenses. so very good viable model.
only the first investors and VCs will see this money because i doubt anyone would want to sell off their tokens even at high price since they can earn income yearly from the automated license leasing!!!
it'd be like selling Apple Stocks for $1, 800 back in 1997 hahahaha
stupid stupid stupid
not missing the IEO for nothing. Very promising model for anti-viral industry. And the products good and invested in by the EU. It's even patented across the EU and US already
wow. no competition. don't know why many have not heard of this yet. but i am sure the traffic will come when Team Romad showcase themselves at the Binance SAFU hackathon that they've been invited to. that's for sure.
i even discovered the TGE was only for Institutional investors and developers, the mininum sale price was so gaddamn high. So the IEO is only where we community members come in and i hope they cut us some slack to allow us invest. i am in the telegram group, so i hope they give us a backdoor or whitelist to the IEO so we can purchase our RBDT easily for being early supporters instead of rushing witth the crowd like the Binance Bitorrent tokensale showdown is gonna look it.
well crossing my fingers
hoping not to be left out