Why not moderate it yourself?
You know, that strange old idea of if you don't like something, don't look at it?
Do you have to have someone else deciding what you can or can't look at on social media?
Yes you could "moderate" it that way, but actually I don't want to look over some specific topics like for example racist content or a lot of other really worst topics I don't want to write down here. It's not that I say it will definitly become a problem but there is a chance that it will be.
Yes, I didnt before, but now that I think about it, there is a lot of people that are hating on the Internet. How will Sphere deal with that?
On the other hand there is an increasing amount of initiatives to censor opinions under the guise of countering hate speech and fake news. Did you know Trump wants all personal information from people who liked anti-Trump Facebook pages?
This trend to police your thoughts is taken further and further. Where does moderating obvious hate speech end and criminalizing political dissent begin?
In Germany we have the goddamn "Netzwerkdurchsuchungsgesetz" (typical German word, I know): Everyone who is operating an Online-Platform is bound to delete 'clearly unlawful' comments within 24 hours. Otherwise monetary fines of up to 5 million Euro will be the consequence.
Great job, the German Politicians did here ...