Introducing Swapity - The Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange That Pays 100% Dividends With No Account Needed
| Simple instant coin swapping | Doesn't hold user's coins | 100% exchange profit dividends through Swapcoin |
Token address: 0x4b35e0AB998Ebe8414871c13cf778F9D0Bbdf609
SWP is now listed on EtherDelta crypto exchange!
SWP is listed on CoinMarketCap
Swapity Exchange
Swapity doesn't need your name, email, phone number, mailing address, bank info, or any other information for you to trade.
We just need the receiving cryptocoin address and return address for your coins. Simple as that.
Swapity doesn't hold your coins like traditional exchanges. You're always in control of your assets.
If we were to be compromised there would be nothing of yours to loose.
Swapcoin token holders as a collective receive 100% of the profits generated by the exchange.
Have 1% of all Swapcoins? You have access to 1% of exchange profits.
Swapping made Easy
Swapity is designed to be easy for everyone from the first time cryptocurrency novice to the experienced crypto veteran.
The intuitive web interface and mobile app are perfect for those who are new to cryptocoins
and anybody who wants to swap coins in just a few clicks or taps with no account needed.
We also offer a free and open API for developers to seamlessly integrate our service into their products. Whether you want to proudly
display the Swapity logo to your users or silently utilize the API in the background, the choice is yours.
Stay in Control
Do you really own your coins if some one else controls them? Swapity doesn't hold your coins like traditional exchanges. Instead all we need is the receiving cryptocoin address for the coin you're swapping to.
Because your coins stay in your control they are only accessible to you. Even if a malicious attacker were to compromise Swapity there would be no way for them to drain your funds because we don't hold them.
Swapcoin Token
Users who contribute Ether to help fund Swapity will receive Swapcoin tokens. Swapcoins are tradable Ethereum tokens that grants users access to functions relating to Swapity.
Swapcoin holders as a collective receive 100% of the profits generated by the exchange. There will only be a fixed total supply of Swapcoins. If the crowdfund does not sell out all extra Swapcoins will be destroyed.
Once you are a Swapcoin holder, every 12 weeks you will be granted special privileges within the platform that will enable you to claim profits. For example, if you hold 1% of all tokens you would have
access to 1% of the profit the exchange generates. Exchange profits will be converted to Ether for claimers to withdraw from a smart contract.
Swapcoins are also used for other functions like voting. Users who hold Swapcoins may vote on a number of proposals such as
adding new coins to be listed to swap on Swapity and adding new features to the platform.
We expect Swapity to be operational in the first half of 2018. This will be a beta release in which some features like the public API will not be finalized. In the second half of 2018 we expect Swapity to become
fully operational along with the completion of the desktop, web, and mobile wallets. Our hardware wallet will also be focused on at that time.