Seriously, it seems you have a working enterprise, its business model distinct and clear.
Those goals you've declared for the project can be easily managed without AI and machine learning.
I just can't see your business model validation.
For more information on how uData works, please visit this page: https://ico.ukit.com/tech.
In addition, the system will have a mechanism of voting for the product development (new features and the order of their implementation). Each token holder can directly influence the development of the product. To ensure the transparency of online voting, we use blockchain.
Of course, it's possible to implement this kind of a project without using the blockchain, but then it won't be that good. Actually, exactly the same can be said about the majority of ICOs that we held or are being held on the market. Moreover, everything that has now been improved with the help of the blockchain technology was out there yesterday, the same money and contracts, they have been working and are working at the moment. But with the blockchain, they get to the new level.
That's why market cluttered up of shitty ICOs.
I wish people had decency of asking some qualificatory questions prior to starting a new blockchain project, I would suggest the first question to be "do we really need blockchain and why?", the further action should correlate with the answer to this question.
Blockchain did improve lots of things, you're right, like those you've named: payments, transactions, security etc. So, then you should have run voting platform instead, cause as you've admitted the voting was only improved via utilizing blockchain in your particular project. Or have I got smth wrong?
Each participant of the uKit AI ecosystem, if they wish, may contribute to the uData common database by providing datasets that combine the following information:
- DTIME of an event
- DMP profile of a visitor
- The URL of a resource visited by the user
- LEAD result (whether the goal was achieved, the goal characteristics)
The entry in the public transaction log is signed with a key that is added to the blockchain of the uData smart contract in the Ethereum system, which ensures that there’s no way to falsify the information in the public transaction log, despite the information storage being centralized.
At the same time, the centralized storage of the transaction log makes it possible to provide any level of detail in the report, since there’s limitation for the total amount of data stored in the expensive blockchain Ethereum.
Each token entitles you to a one-time conversion in the amount of 0.001% of all traffic that went through the system.
As the capacity of each token directly depends on the volume of data that went through the traffic system, it's necessary to add reporting data on traffic turnover and utilized tokens to the public transaction log.
So, at the end of each reporting period, detailed information about all traffic that went through the system (depending on the intended level of privacy, either limited to volumes of data and IDs of the system users, or containing the full information about the websites that the stated percentage of the traffic went through) will be added to the public transaction log.
Also, the log will contain records on the total amount UKT tokens returned to the central uData wallet, this amount can be compared with the total amount of rewards given for contributing new datasets to uData during this period.