Though they are similar Zeex offers a lot more.
Zeex will be a decentralized platform so that any Gift Card Supplier in the World will be able to offer their gift cards making it absolutely huge in the scope of gift cards offered.
We also avoid fiat and fees entirely rather than charge extra for the conversion like most service providers.
As well as using the Zix token you will be able to pay with eth, to begin with, and then other cryptocurrencies will be added such as Bitcoin further down the line
Using the Zix token gives holders certain advantages;
Priority — ZIX token owners will have priority over other users to get high demand/discounted assets first.
Pledge — ZIX tokens are used as collateral to ensure an immediate settlement.
Login — ZIX token owners will have the ability to log into Zeex securely and anonymously using their token.
And of course, you can pay with them.
Zeex also offers privacy & anonymity with your transactions
The whole process is heavily encrypted on the blockchain with proprietary fraud prevention technology, meaning that nobody can ever see your private data, not even Zeex. You’re in control of your money, and your financial information.